Part Forty-One (Change)

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Part Forty-One

Bella's POV

"You're awfully quiet," Dad noticed, looking at me squarely in the eye.

"It's nothing," I mumbled back, even though I wanted to muse and hiss at him right now, to make him understand how bad I felt.

Throughout the ride from the house, I haven't said a word in the car, as we drove dad to the airport. I don't know if to feel mad at Dad for leaving me at the hands of strangers—Daphne and her mom, or mad at my mother, for being the cause of this situation, or perhaps aunt Angela, for being too-nice-a-person towards Dad and I. The three of us—myself, aunt Angela and Dad, are currently on the way to the airport to drop dad off, to catch the plane leaving for Cameroon.

After finding out the truth about mother's condition, and much thought into the matter, Dad decided to go back to Cameroon to help mom recover. According to Dr Keedan, she needed a confidant and someone she trusts, in order to get her to cooperate with him. It was obvious she hasn't gotten over Dad, so, he was the best person to be around her. Coming to the decision was tough for him, considering he was about to get engaged to aunt Angela. I don't even understand how she's taking all these easy, if I were to be in her shoes, I know I wouldn't want the man I'm in love with and about to marry, go to spend time with his ex.

I looked at Dad and Miss Angela through the rearview mirror, they were engrossed in some discussion that had them whispering and holding each other's hands. They two of them must be trying to console each other, as well as themselves, and could only hope they get out of this situation still together. I remembered how distraught dad was when he heard the news from Dr Keedan.

After dad told me that he would go to pay aunt Angela's bride-price, I was totally lost at what to do. I stared at him - wide-eyed, he can't be serious.

"Uh...when?" I stuttered.

"Sometime soon, she still has to meet and talk with her people, and they'll get to tell me when to come. I don't know all these things." He chuckled nervously before making himself comfortable on the sofa beside me.

If dad goes ahead with aunt Angela without finding out what is going on with mom, then things will go from bad to worse. Because, I don't even know how mom would react, should she learn about this new development. I was beyond shocked to find out that my mother had taken to alcohol and drugs, during the time I spent with her in Cameroon, for the end-of-the-year holiday.

Dad had asked Mirian to prepare his dinner, after which he would retire to bed. I knew then and there that it was the chance to let him in on what Dr Keedan had related to me.
After he had dinner and taken his bathe, he sat down on the edge of his very big bed (I knew that because I was standing just outside his room door), and switched on the LED TV in his room. I knocked twice on the door, then I heard a faint ‘come in’, I turned the knob and the door gave way before me.

" Iya " dad called me in his local language, meaning—my princess “what could be the matter? You never come to my room this late, except it's important. Come closer dear." he gestured towards the bed he was seated on.

“Daddy it's important that I tell you this, before you make any further arrangements with Ms Angela." I rushed the words out, even as I moved closer to him.

"Okay?" he queried, the expression on his face showed that he was truly worried about what I had to say.

After I sat down, I inhaled deeply then gradually exhaled, making sure to do it as quietly as possible. But dad watched me with keen interest; just like an owl keeps watch. I turned to face him, then staring at him in the eye, I started.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now