Part Thirty-Nine (Fear)

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Part Thirty-Nine


Bella's POV

"Ten more minutes to!" The lady who came to invigilate the exams counted.

My hands started shaking from the anxiety and exam tension because I haven't finished answering all questions, I couldn't properly write a word. It was as though I no longer had any control over my wrist bones. I tried stopping the shaking but all in vain.
I saw Adams going to submit his paper, so I called out to him.

"Adams! Hey! Please come," I pleaded, pouting at him.

He took his script and walked towards my chair "Yes..."

"Please help me complete number four, the B question. I'm almost done with it, just to complete some sentences."

He looked around. Thankfully, the hall was crowded and students were moving from one chair to another. He brought another chair positioned beside mine and sat down on it, then he placed his script on my desk before taking mine out from my hands.

He looked at my script for a while, trying to find out where I stopped writing. When he found it, he began scribbling on my answer script, and of course, he was using his as key.

"Here, I've finished." He passed the script back to me and picked up his own.

"Thank you so much, you're a darling." I felt really grateful to him at that moment. Not just anybody would have agreed to do what he did for me, and for that, I felt like I owe him a lot.

"Ehen... finally this paper has come to an end. Oluwa thank you for making it possible for us to conclude this exam in peace today." Peace said, walking towards me in slow steps.

"Amen oo, my own would have been a different story if not for Adams_" I started, but was cut off by Peace.

"Go and submit your sheet naa, or you want this woman to scold you." She pushed me forward, towards the direction of the invigilators' desk.
I totally forgot that I was yet to submit my answer sheet, I was carried away thinking of how my fate in this subject would have been.

We wrote Civic Education paper I and II, today. A lot of students, including myself, have always considered this subject as a walkover subject. To us, it doesn't require much reading, just much thinking, and accurate thinking at that. I spent a lot of time writing and writing points I thought were great, I didn't realize how very little time I had left until the invigilator announced that we should start submitting.

I neatly and carefully placed my script on the rough pile of answer scripts, I hoped that other students who were scrambling to submit theirs, don't toss mine to the floor. After that, I walked back to my chair. Peace has already carried my bag on her shoulder, waiting for me to come closer.

"Thanks," I collected the pink bag from her shoulder, as we made our way out of the hall.

"Eww..." She made gagging sounds, covering her eyes with her right palm.

"What?" I asked, surprised by her actions.

"Don't you see what Johnson is doing with that external candidate," she said to me.

"Where?" I couldn't get what she was seeing, as I haven't spotted them yet.

"Standing by the narrow pavement that leads to the main compound." She gestured towards their direction using her head.

I looked and that was when I saw Johnson and one of the external candidates, their lips sucked on each other's. Whether they were biting themselves or trying to cut the other person's lip, was none of my business. I had to get home on time to study for my next subject which would be French language. We were only six out of the  candidates writing WAEC, two external candidates included.

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