Part Forty-Four (Jokes-apart)

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Part Forty-Four

Daphne's POV

'Which dress should I wear now?' I thought, as I stared at two of the dresses I placed on the bed, deciding on which one would look better to go to Tim's house in.
The last time I was at her place, we couldn't conclude on what to do about the pregnancy. I even remember asking her who was responsible for the pregnancy, but she's been reluctant to give me any information.

I stared back and forth between both dresses; the purple one with a white sash at the middle, or, the flared multicoloured flowered dress. I decided to go with the flowered dress, I'll match it up with my favourite pair of white sandal, then I'll tie a white bandana on my hair.
'Voila! I'll look good to go.'

I made to put the purple dress back into the closet, when the entrance door swung open and Mom walked in. She was in her work clothes-a white shirt and black pencil skirt, with a pair of shiny black stilettos. She shut the door after she came in.

"Where's Bella?" she asked, as usual wanting to know about her best girl. The thought alone infuriated me.

"She's in the bathroom," I answered and kept on looking around for my sandal.

"Okay... I'm about to go to work and I'm aware that you girls need to have your hair done, because you won't be allowed to complete your exams with an unkept hair," she opened her black purse and brought out some money notes. She offered them to me, five hundred naira notes.

I counted them-eight paper notes, which meant four thousand naira.

"There must be a saloon within the estate, Bella will take you to one." she continued "Ensure that you make neat and moderate styles, I might come back later than usual so, the two of you will have to take care,"

Bella chose that as the right time to come out from the bathroom. She had a white towel wrapped around her body, another one covered her hair thoroughly. She must have washed her hair.

"Okay dear you're here, I was telling Ugo here that both of you should have your hair made today. You know any saloon around?"

"Yes aunt, don't worry." she replied like a simple harmless girl. 'Such a two-faced b*tch!'

Mother moved closer to her and kissed her on the head "Take care dear, I'll be back soon." I rolled my eyes in distaste at their mother-daughter lovey-dovey display, then mother patted my shoulder and left.
Great, now they're closer to each other. I felt more infuriated at the realization, why didn't I see that was all Bella wanted. She wanted everyone close to me and she's starting with my mom. I felt like doing something that would make her feel as bad as I felt at the moment, but I had no idea of what I should do.

Nonetheless, nothing would deter me from going to see Timmi today. I wanted to be around her in case she decides to make any drastic decision. Ignoring Bella who's ruffling through her bag for an outfit, I walked towards the bathroom with the dress, while humming to the tune of the music in Barbie in the twelve dancing princess. After fifteen minutes in the bathroom (which wasn't even enough for me to have a proper bathe), I came out in the dress. I combed my hair and let it flow down my shoulders, using the bandana to hold the hair in place.

"Hey, I'm going to see a friend. I'll be back but don't wait for me, go and make your own hair," I told Bella when I saw her coming out from the kitchen with a can of coke in her hand.

"Really? Why am I not surprised that you would do this. Where could you be going that's more important than your own mother's instruction?" she asked.

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