Part Fifty-eight (Grateful heart)

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Part Fifty-eight

Hassan's POV

After the confrontation I had with Deborah today, I found it difficult to get her off my mind. The possibility that she was the same girl I kissed three years ago, baffled me to this point. I haven't felt so guilty these years because I thought she was a girl from another school, but to find out that she was none other than my classmate and someone I saw almost everyday in school, reinvoked that feeling of guilt.

I wondered how she must have felt towards me during those times. Did she think of me as one of those hyped-teens who got controlled by their hormones. Back then I admit I was too, that was why I was not thinking straight when I drunk myself to stupor. I felt like I was doing it to hurt my parents, but when I woke up the next day with an unbearable headache, that was when I realized I was only hurting myself.

Despite trying to put in order the clothes I was wearing for my graduation in two days time, I knew deep down that my mind and thoughts were not in order. It felt like taking something that wasn't mine, thinking no one saw me, only to be confronted by the real owner of the property and be told that I was seen stealing.
Such kind of guilt don't go away so easily.

I laid in bed, still deep in thoughts and I didn't realize when I nodded off.
In the morning of the next day, I was awoken by the loud laughter and shrieking sounds obviously made by Hadith. I was bothered on what was responsible for evoking such reactions from her. True, Hadith was the twin with the vibes but it took a lot to make her so loud and happy. Added to the fact that she was not an early riser. She always had a problem whenever she was woken up against her choice, plus she reigned so easily into mood swings that no one could ever tell who and when she was going to lash out next.

I quickly brushed my teeth and sprinkled some water over my face. After I dried up, I performed . Seeking blessings and committing the decisions and activities of today in prayer before I headed out of the room.

I saw that we had visitors though before I saw who they were, I heard the familiar voice I recognized as Baba Sadiq's. Baba Sadiq was my father's elder step-brother and the only son of his mother, Hajiya . May her soul rest in peace. Grandfather married three wives but the first two were not able to give him more than one child each so he got married to Hajiya Aisha-my grandmother, who gave birth to a son and daughter for him.

He was here in our house with his wife Amarya Zainat after staying in Canada for over five straight years, he has come back to Nigeria and I'm yet to find out how long he'll stay.

"Ina kwana, Baba, papa," I greeted when I came into view. "Asalam Alykum."

"Walykum Salam Hassan, how do you do?" Baba Sadiq asked.

I could only see him and my father in the sitting room, Hadith and mother were not present but I caught a glimpse of Amarya Zainat's pink hijab before she disappeared into the kitchen.

"I'm fine sir. Welcome, when did you return?"

"Last night, our plane landed in the airport so we decided to spend the night at a hotel instead of bothering you all."

"Sadiq, you know you can never be a bother to us. You and your family are and will always be welcome here," my dad chastised.

"Walahi! Suleiman, you know I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes yes, I know that."

"That's by the way, I heard from Hadith that you guys just finished concluding your external exams. How was it?" Baba Sadiq asked.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now