Part Fifty-five (Pained decision)

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Part Fifty-five

Nnenna's POV

After the meeting which used up two complete hours plus, was concluded, everyone began to disperse the hall. The major number of students choose the colours red-wine, gold and black for our graduation ceremony theme, the lesser number insisted on black and magneta-pink. Since majority carries the vote, it was decided that the theme colours of the occasion would be red-wine and black. Personally I agreed with the minority, but our choice couldn't count. So, we had to forgo.

“Ehm! How has the NECO exams been going?” Peace Adike said, referring the question to me.

“Huh...” I stuttered, not really prepared for her question as I was more worried as to why I haven't seen David lately.

“NECO, are the supervisors giving you guys any problem?” she queried further.

“No, not really. Although for my own papers, I'm not encountering any difficulties except when we wrote physics and mathematics. Asides those two, all papers were walkovers,” I related.

She smirked knowingly, “I trust you naa, you have smashed all of them.”

“My sister, I did my best. The Almighty will do the rest.”

“Yes yes, that's sure. Anyways, I'm learning a skill. Hairdressing, I'll learn that for six months and practice on my own for the other six months, then I'll apply for JAMB.” she told me, but I wasn't really interested to know.

“Okay, that's good shaa. The Almighty is your strength.”

She left her desk and walked away with some friends, giving me the opportunity to properly scan the hall, for David.

Then I saw Hassan heading towards me, I zipped up my bag and hung it across my shoulder. He was going to tell me why I haven't seen David around and I had no doubt about that. After the usual greetings and acknowledgement, he presented me with a small white polythene.

“David said I should give this to you, he would have done it himself, but I'm certain something very important came up.” he told.

I stared quizzically at the object in his hand, like I was observing to see if it was in a perfect state.

“There's a letter inside where he probably wrote his reason. Anyways...” he shrugged and looked around “I've done my part. Have a nice day” he kept the white polythene on my desk.

We waved goodbye and he left to meet with a group of boys. I didn't know what was in that bag, but I was more curious than anxious, to know what on Earth it was that David gave me. I left the hall for the library without sparing a backward glance. Few of my friends have accused me of being too secretive and going off to read on my own, they would always say that I act like there's a first position in external examinations. To be very honest at this moment, I cared little to nothing about what they would think if they saw me walking off to the library.

Once I settled down in a comfortable spot, I brought out one exercise book from my bag. What I saw when I looked into the polythene, left me speechless. A blue box containing a new Android phone. A white folded piece of paper was also inside. Trust David to always be one to write letters. Words indented on white paper using a black ink, scribbled by artistic writings. Due to the kind of people I was surrounded by and the environment I was in, I didn't have the heart to bring out the phone and inspect it further. Instead, I put the letter in the midst of the pages of the book laid before me.

Dear Nne,
   I really didn't mean to write this in a letter, I would have loved to speak with you in person about it seeing as we were meant to meet later today. Unfortunately, something came up—a situation beyond my control. I'll tell all about that sometime elsewhere.

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