Part Forty-Two (Bump-scared)

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Part Forty-Two


Daphne's POV

I stared at Timmi in complete shock and horror, I hoped that it wasn't close to what I was thinking. What could she be doing with a pregnancy test strip? I thought to myself, but deep down I knew the answer to that question.

"Daph! You could have knocked before coming in, you scared me." Timmi retorted, I couldn't believe that was her excuse.

"Excuse me...I don't remember ever having to knock before coming into your room, so, why should today be any different?" I picked up the strip and walked to stand by the edge of her bed.

I dangled the thin white paper-like material before her, quickly retracting it before she could grasp on to it.
"Care to explain Tims, what are you doing with a pregnancy test strip?"

She rolled her eyes at me and moved further away, towards the door to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes back at her retreated figure, then I made myself comfortable on her bed. The mattress was just the right amount of comfy and soft, two pillows made of fuzzy material were placed at the head of the medium-sized bed. I mentally made the measurements, my own bed was a little bigger than Tim's, but hers was way softer.

"I believe I asked a question, se o n ko mi loju bi?"

"It's not like that Daph..." She mumbled and turned to face me.

"Then tell me why you have a strip with you, you surely can't be experimenting anything that isn't pregnancy with this?" I accused, trying to stop myself from screaming and pulling at her shoulders to get the truth out of her.

"Alright. Listen you're my best friend and I don't want you to hate me after this," she exhaled and continued "I think I'm pregnant."

I was lost for words, it was as though the words that wanted to leave my mouth got swallowed in immediately. I felt my mouth hanging open at her confession, my neck region and armpits started to feel damp as a result of perspiration. If she wanted to pull an ‘April fool's day’ joke on me, then she was almost succeeding. A 'pregnancy status' was no joke, especially for a seventeen-year-old female. I stared at the expression on her face, she seemed every bit serious.

I chuckled nervously to lighten the tension in the room, "You're obviously fooling me, just tell me it's a joke so we can get on to important things, I left from a really far place to come here." I admonished, getting fed up with the dramas that have been brewing since today.
First was my mother and the Esan family, now I have to deal with my best friend. I just hope what she's saying was in no way true.

"I'm really serious, and you're not helping matters by mocking me you know," she snapped. I felt bad for finding humour in what she said, if this was truly a big deal for her, then I needed to be her support system.

"Alright relax," I tried to calm her nerves, while mine was building up slowly "umm...have you gone through with the test already?"

She nodded sideways—meaning no.

"Okay, but how can you be certain it's a pregnancy?"

"I had sex, unprotected sex," she rushed the words, looking down at her fingers.

My forehead creased in confusion, I was appalled that she would take such risk, but I'm aware it wasn't the first time she had sex. She answered my next question with her next words.

"And I haven't seen my period since last month." she concluded.

I closed my eyes and formed a tight fist, preventing myself from pulling at the hair of the girl I called my best friend. I wanted so badly to hurl at her and ask her why she was that careless, and who was responsible for her nonchalant attitude. Instead I decided to be calm about it, we weren't sure if she was pregnant or not, there was no reason for alarm.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now