Part Thirteen ( The 3-Ds)

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Part Thirteen( The 3-Ds)
(Drinks, dance and dare)


   Daphne's POV

"So I believe we're done for the day?" I asked Peace, but just for the sake of asking. I really didn't need her reply, I only wanted to make her feel a part of the project since it was only the both of us that remained.
   She nodded her head in reply and we stayed few minutes in silence before she spoke up.
"Uh, I should be on my way home." she said and I hummed an answer.
But before she could take more than two steps, I remembered something which made me call her back.

"Hey Peace_" I called to her, "there's a party tomorrow evening at Timmi's house, it's just two blocks away from here. It's actually her birthday party, so since you're our classmate the invitation is extended to you as well."

"Umm, by what time?" She asked.

"From 4:30pm, will you be there?" I asked even if I already knew the answer.

"I don't think so, since my house is not so close. But thanks for the invitation." She replied, clutching her bag tightly.

 "Okay, Kachi will show you out and probably help you board a taxi. Kachi!, Kachi!!"

"Yes Daph," she answered and I was thankful she didn't refer to me by that horrible name.

"See her out and make sure you help her get a taxi that will take her home."

"Okay, Peace let's go." Kachi told Peace.
I became surprised when she called her by her name directly, but then I can't expect anything less from Peace, she's the holy girl after all.

 I was finally relieved of this project for the day, I got up and started making my way upstairs to my room to prepare myself for Timmi's party. I want everything ready by tomorrow so I won't be late or caught unaware.

So quickly, when I got into my room, I dialed the number of my make-up artist and hairdresser and fixed the time with her tomorrow, my clothes were ready, I just have to make up my mind for the perfect one to wear.


   At the Party (Timmi's house ) by 4:15pm

  I was already in Timmi's house by 4:15pm, being her close friend gives me that excuse. Timmi was still fixing her makeup and hair, (wig actually). I got bored just staying in her room waiting and watching them fix her, so I made my way outside the house, where the venue for the party is being held.

  The actual venue is at the backyard, where the decorations were being put up. Timmi had chosen as the colour of the day to be red, white and black, so that became the background of the setting.

After awhile, some of our classmates started arriving. Bisi, Jade and Amara even came together.
I was surprised that the girls dressed far mature for their age, putting on heavy makeups and wearing wigs. Then I thought, 'it's probably to get some boys attention tonight'.

At about 4:52pm, the MC started the ceremony. Timmi's MC is one of her brother's friend from the University, most of his close friends too attended the party.

After the opening prayer, cracking of jokes and 'who knows Timmi?',  it was time for dance competition.
The boys started first with the music 'Ezege' , by Phyno and then we girls took our positions on the dance floor.

I really twerked and whined as much as I could and as a result, started feeling pains at my waist but eventually, Ronnie, one of Timmi's cousin won the award for the best dancer.

"Nnah ehh, so after everything, na Ronnie come bag the award," Jade grumbled as we made our way to the refreshment table.

"Should that be a problem kwanu, common headphone, is that what you can't afford?" Amara retorted.

"My dear you know I will have one if I want it so badly, it's just that, there's a difference between gifts and bought stuffs,"

"Well, that's true shaa." Amara concord.

"Hey girls, is that not Uncle Praise speaking to Timmi?" Bisi said to us, pointing at an adjacent direction from where we were standing.

"You're right, he's the one. What's he doing here?" I asked the last part in a low voice, I don't think my friends heard me.
Uncle Praise is a corp member, serving as assistant agricultural teacher in our school. I was surprised to see him here, just how long had Tim known him to invite him to her party. That's by the way, I intend to talk with her tomorrow about it.


David's POV

Asides the fact that Hassan was also present at the party, I had a lot of fun. I and a couple of my classmates joined Timmi's brother Joaquin, and his friends for a drinking contest. I'm not an alcoholic but I've had few alcohols in my life.

Minutes later, my head started feeling light and there was this slight buzzing sound like there are flies in my head, my vision became blurred slightly and I noticed my speech started slurring.

  "Hey, why don't we try truth or dare, with interesting consequences for the loser?", Joaquin asked.

  "Sure, I'm in!"

  "Me too!"

  "Count me in."

The guys were replying, I wanted to decline as I could feel myself losing control of my actions, the noise in my head only became worst added to the music playing in the background. 
Though my vision was still blurred, I could see people dancing on the stage, bodies grinding against each other. This party was becoming more mature than I'm comfortable with, I wished silently that Adams would come and get me out of the mess I had gotten myself into.

If I was still in good terms with Hassan he'd surely get me out of here but I'm not, so I dealt with it. Eventually I decided to play along, it wouldn't harm anyone would it?
But deep down I had this feeling that this is the beginning of a very big problem.

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Is this chapter as crappy as I'm thinking, don't worry then I'll surely make up for it in the next chapter.
I needed to create this part to give you an idea of the beginning of a change in some of their lives.

  BTW, thanks for reading
                               Yours' sincerely,


𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now