Part Fifty-six (sisters by heart)

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Please note before you scroll further.

This chapter would be divided into Daphne and Bella's POV, as I don't feel like elongating the book any further. Besides it's just like reading two parts of one story, so, you wouldn't miss much.

Without further ado, please read on ↓↓↓

Daphne's POV

Since the day Tims was called into Principal Femi's office, she has been more distant from me than before. True, I understand that she saw enough reasons to blame me for her predicament since she found out that I lived in same house with Bella. She never said a word to me again. I didn't get to see her in the examination hall during NECO exams because I was certain she paid to write them, so I tried calling her line numerous times and even sent her messages on WhatsApp and Facebook which she hasn't seen, speakless of replying.

If this was during the early days of our friendship, I wouldn't be so bothered about her silent treatment because I knew she always came back. It doesn't matter what happened between us, Timmi Coker always fixed things between us. My pride never let me. How quickly the roles had reversed and I'm the one who's trying to fix things between us now.

Bella, on the other hand, minded her business these days. Not like I saw much of her anyway. She didn't write NECO examinations and she's been too busy processing her entrance examination into one of the universities in Cameroon. So, most times when I'm at home she's not and vice versa.

Whatever Tims must have told the others really had an effect on them because they too, especially Jade and Amara, limited the way they shared things with me. Whether they were aware that Timmi was pregnant or they were still in the dark, I no longer knew. Even when I would text them on WhatsApp, Jade gave short and bored replies whilst Amara would take a very long time to reply to a simple question. My instincts told me that they were blaming me for what went wrong in our friendship.

I'm not happy with the way things turned out, at least, I'm grateful that Tims didn't do anything stupid before the matter could get into the hands of higher authorities. After the exams, I had nothing better to do than stay in the house all day. I rarely had friends to visit and David has been extremely scarce towards the end of the examinations, so I joined public groups on Facebook and even WhatsApp. I interacted with new sets of people for a while and that was quite medicinal to the depression I'd been feeling lately.
Mother would scold me most times about the negative effects social media could have on me and advised me to relate with the real life more. So, I spent few times with Miriam and Kachi and to my surprise, engaged in small talks with Bella whenever she was around. But nothing could amount to the joy I felt whenever I logged online to meet and chat with strangers.

I was just staring at the television in the sitting room, the images kept going on before my eyes but my brain wasn't grasping anything that was happening. The sound of the doorbell alerted me and I stood up to answer, when I realized that both Miriam and Kachi were not within reach. Bella was standing outside the door. Her hair was done in two small buns by the side. The small yellow handbag she carried was a match to the yellow shorts, her green blouse was tucked into the shorts and she had black shoes to complete the look.

“Hi!” she greeted cheerfully, like we were best of friends or something.

“Hey, welcome” I smiled softly and let her in.

She plunged down on one of the sofas and brought out her phone. She pushed the phone to my face. I tried seeing what it was that she showed me, until my eyes landed on the name.

“woah! Congratulations,” I told her.

“Thank you, oh! I'm so happy right now, I'm glad I passed the examination.”

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now