Part Twenty-five (The worst situation ever)

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Part Twenty-five

•°•°•°•°•°•°•Daphne's POV

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Daphne's POV

"Are you not ready yet Ugo?" Mom called out to me, probably from the sitting room.

"I'm coming!" I shouted from my room then hastily shut down every electricity in the room, the windows included and covered my queen sized bed with a transparent polyethylene, to avoid build up of dust.

I carried my small ecolag box  and skipped the stairs to the sitting room where mom's waiting for me.
For this year's Christmas we'll be spending it with some surprise hosts mom told me about during the week. 
I agreed to this arrangement probably because I don't want to spend the holidays with Grandma, my dad's mom.

My stepsiblings, Kemi and Kayo would be spending the days with her and their mom, so I figured I should spend the days with my mom as well. Ever since the day of the contest at school, mom has been overly caring.
We spent the previous days cooking and baking all sorts of stuff, redecorating the house, buying groceries and also shopping for our Christmas attire.

I remember mom selecting same clothe design, Fendi  for me and the girl she claimed to be the daughter of our soon-to-meet hosts. From the little stories mom told me about them, I put two and two together and realized the girl either has no mother around or her mother was nowhere to be seen while mom was there.  It's awkward that I'm going to be meeting with someone my age who's a stranger but I have no other option.
Not unless I want to spend the holidays with Grandma and I can't do that but mom's not going to let me stay home alone, that's for sure.

Kachi has travelled back to her people to spend the holidays, so the house will surely be locked. My mother works in a hotel and rarely gets leave or day-off, it's a miracle she has a lot of those these days.

I managed to pull the box down with me and stood before my mom. She's dressed in a simple yellow sundress with her favourite pair of sandals and carried a very big black bag on her right elbow while she made a call with the phone in her left hand.

I wasn't interested in what she was saying but rather focused on the phone in my hands. I was chatting with few friends on Facebook and trying so hard not to get upset by the number of guys requesting for my contact or address, I wonder why some guys do that.

"The driver has arrived, come on let's go." Mom announced after she ended the call.

We left the house and saw a neat black Lexus waiting outside our gate. ‘whoever's hosting us this Christmas must have it big.’ my subconscious mind spoke.

The driver stepped out of the car, he's light skinned and wearing white shirt with blue jeans. He came to meet us even before we got closer to the car and picked up our baggage, he threw them in the trunk of the car. Thank the Heavens I have nothing destructible inside that bag, my phone has been tucked away safely inside the pocket of the navy blue dungaree jeans I'm wearing.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now