Part Thirty-Two (Bad friend move)

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Part Thirty-Two.


I felt flushed and hot all over; truly embarrassed with myself for heeding to David's letter and going to meet him. I couldn't believe that he would write a letter to me, only so I could see him kissing Daphne. That's too low, even for him.

From the first day I started attending GCH, my instincts have always made me feel negative vibes around David. But after he started talking and joking with me from the time of the project-grouping, I thought maybe he liked me. Now, after what I saw with Daphne, I'm more convinced than ever that he's a Casanova. The problem though, is that I can't bring myself to tell anyone. Who could I even tell and expect them not to judge me.

I can't tell Deborah or Dinma because they don't even care about what's happening between him and I, I don't think they even had an idea that I was crushing on him. I can't tell Hassan because he's close to David, and I also don't want my friendship with him to be tainted if he finds out how I felt for his friend. Apart from the three of them, I'm not so close to my other classmates so I can't talk to them about it either. I kept my mouth shut and nursed my poor heart silently.

When I arrived home after that day, I busied myself with house chores and my notes. I didn't want to let myself be idle for one minute, so I don't have to think about him and what he did. He tried talking to me at school after the incident, but I evaded all his advances. I strolled with my friends in school, when I wasn't with them, I was with Hassan or I escaped to the library. Bumping into David was an occurrence I made sure to avoid, and I meant it in every sense. I couldn't wait for Gold to come back from the village, so I can delete and block his number from her phone.

Mrs Ekehinde had instructed us to take our chairs and desks to the examination hall. The examination hall of GCH is a separate long bungalow, located just few metres away from the school gate. It's always locked to prevent student from vandalizing the structure and creating suspicions in the minds of the WASSCE examination board, it's only opened when the days of the examination draws near so SS3 students can get acquainted and settled in.

Today is one of those days. We have been lucky to get acquited from that prison of a classroom. The session resumed officially last week, so other students in junior classes have already returned to school and gradually, lectures are beginning as normal. The SS3 students who have already resumed, are currently moving through the hallways and corridors of the administration block, carrying either a seat or desk. Noises of chairs creating shrilling sounds against the tile floors filled the entire block, coupled with the whispering, calling of names and shouting out of orders by students. Mrs Ogbonna had earlier instructed us to make the transfer quietly, but secondary school kids are definitely not one to reckon with.

The noises continued as we made a beeline downstairs and towards the examination hall. The hall thankfully, has been swept and dusted thoroughly. All we had to do was settle in and continue with our lessons.
Asami helped me carry my desk, while Dinma helped bring my chair along with hers.

"Thanks babe." I smiled, grateful for her help.

"You're welcome." She returned one of her best smiles at me.
Asami Etim was one of the beautiful and most quiet girls in SS3A. She was endowed with an oblong face, small pair of eyes made of brown orbs, white set of teeth that would always bite down on those full lips of hers.
She was also very tall, dark in complexion and well endowed behind too. I became comfortable and friendly with her during the times I wanted so badly to avoid David. whenever my closest friends were nowhere to be found, I knew I had to get involved in new conversations and make new friends and I'm grateful she was available at that time.

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