Part Thirty-Four (Giving up?)

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Part Thirty-Four
  I dunno what to title this chapter, so I just came up with this. Nonetheless, read on.


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"I'm just ashamed to even say the words out. SS3 students fighting like charged bulls, this is the highest level of disgrace." Mrs Cherish, the vice principal academics, pinched the bridge of her nose while looking at the both of us with disdain.

She had her fat arms propped down on her big mahogany desk filled with white papers, files and lots of stationaries. Her reading glasses moving up and down her crunched nose. Cherish had a stout body structure, her arms, thighs and neck were layered with fat as those areas of her body were already sagged. She was dark in complexion and had dimples on both sides of her cheek, dimples that became prominent whenever she smiled. But right now, those dimples are showing at the height of disappointment and anger lacing from her voice.

"I won't even bother to ask you what happened between you two. You're both lucky that there was no damage in the cause of the fight. But that does not include that the two of you won't face punishment for your offense, it is to serve as an example to the juniors so they don't think they can ever get away with fighting." She looked up at Mr Nathan.

He was standing by the door, his long cane still firmly held in his hands.

"Have both their parents been notified of the scandal their kids created?" She directed the question at him.

I knew we were in for a big trouble but I was hoping they'd leave our parents out of this. But that's what you get for attending a prestigious school like GCH, they take a lot of precautions.

"Yes, they said they'd be here soon." Nathan replied.

At that, my heart dropped to my stomach. How would I even face my dad, he'd be so disappointed in me. My dad rarely lets me see his angry side, and believe me when I say it's not a good period of my life.

Daphne and I were still standing at the left end of the office, I guess they wanted us to reflect on our actions, so they left us alone. Daphne has her head lowered, just like me, she hasn't said a word since we were taken out of the examination hall.
I fiddled with the button on my blazer, despite how clammy and wet my palms were becoming, they still felt very cold from the nerves and anxiety slowly emanating.

A minute felt like an hour while waiting for the arrival of my father and Miss Angela. Ten minutes later, a call came into the office informing Mrs Cherish that both parents have arrived. I wasn't surprised at the revelation, Angela works in my father's hotel so they must have come together.

"Let them in." Mrs Cherish instructed.

I couldn't look up when the door creaked quietly to indicate their entrance. I tilted my head towards Daphne's face to decipher her expression and from what I saw, she didn't look the least bit repentant. Or perhaps, she's putting up a bold front as usual.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now