Part Five( House chores)

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Part five


Deborah's POV

"Debby do this, Debby do that. I'm really tired now, since I returned from school it's been from one chore to the other" I murmured to myself.
I couldn't let my elder brother or parents hear me else they'd punish me. But I'm so tired, I haven't even opened my books because of the load of work.

Times like this is when I wish my school is a boarding school.  I must admit I've heard terrible stories about boarding schools, that I gave up the idea to go to one. Now considering all the house chores I have to take on, I regret my previous decision not to apply to one.

  We are four in the family, my parents, my brother and my humble self. Granma comes to visit and stay at times but eventually she leaves.
My brother is studying Electrical Engineering in the university and he stays at a lodge. Whenever he goes back to school, I'm overjoyed as I have the house to myself. Mom and Dad comes home at 7-8pm from work on weekdays, so after school the house is mine until then.

  I helped mother in preparing dinner and even served everyone before having my share. Kenneth (yes, that's his name) only knows how to request for this and that. He even told me to wash his dirty clothes and mother and father could do nothing about it, I've kept calm because I know just the right time to get back at him.

  My WASSCE exams are around the corner and then, I'll use that to my advantage to get him to do some of the house chores as his school is on strike at the moment.

That's when I walked into my bedroom. I was exhausted to the point I had second thoughts about taking a bath. I lay flat on my bed and closed my heavy eyes for a while.
When I felt myself drifting into sleep, I reopened them and searched for my phone. I took it from the cupboard and unlocked it.

  Kenneth has a habit of playing games with it. He claims that his phone memory is filled and that he can't install the games so he uses mine.
It's not that I do not like giving him, but one time when he took it without my knowledge, he used it until the battery ran low and NEPA didn't give electricity power for the rest of the day. And since then, I changed the passcode and keeps it locked in my cupboard, as he wouldn't go searching my personal stuff.

  Thankfully, I've still got some data bundle left. I subscribe for a week and tomorrow's the last day before it expires.  After switching it on, I logged into WhatsApp and allowed the messages roll in.
Then one by one I read them. I have precisely seventy eight contacts on WhatsApp. There was this message that got to me though, it's from a new number and the owner saved his/her profile photo with something inanimate. The message said;

Hello Debbie, I'm Tony I got your number from one of your classmates.
I've been meaning to talk to you but time has not allowed it.

I hope we can get to know each other 😊.

I looked up and saw it indicated he was online the last three hours. Being really tired, I didn't reply and chose to  do that in the morning. I wanted to find out if he goes to my school and who he got my number from.


Daphne's POV

"Kachi, Kachi!!" I called twice before she answered. I know she deliberately didn't answer the first time because she did not want to be told to work.
But who cares.

"Yes Daphne, you call for me". She said. Her English is so bad, even the way she pronounces my name.

  " How many times have I told you to stop calling me, Dafini , call me Daph. I don't want to hear any other name from you, understood? "

"Yes Daph",

"Good. Go to my room, you'll find those dirty clothes I told you to leave yesterday in my laundry basket. Take them, wash and iron them, make sure to take very good care of my school uniforms".

" okay Daph".

     I took my books to the living room to read for the mean time, cause if I read in my room I'd fall asleep easily.
Kachi is our househelp, her family needed help with her training so Dad brought her to stay with mom and I.
Sometimes I think he deliberately wanted her to work for us because he thinks I'm lonely as his other family has Seriyah as their househelp.

Yes, you read it right. My dad has another family. When I was little I used to wonder why my parents hardly stayed together, unless I wanted them to, or on special occasions. When I became persistent on the issue, they tried to live in the same house but later in the years they parted.

That was when they told me the truth about their relationship. Dad never even got married to Mom, he told me that he doesn't love her and she knew. What led to my conception was a lie but he never regretted having me as part of his life.
He remarried, and at that to Victoria. They have two kids, my stepbrother and stepsister.


We learnt something new about Daphne today, she's really a spoiled brat but it seemed  she had a good reason to be.
  »For all those who had judged Daphne before now, I hope you reconsider.
  »In an ideal secondary school, there are variety of students. The good, the bad, the better, the worse, the best and the worst. Just because Daphne isn't everyone's favourite at GCH doesn't mean she's totally bad.

P.S ; An editor needed with immediate effect 📣.

                          Yours sincerely,

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now