Part Thirty-Five (Relationship 💞)

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Part Thirty-Five.

Nnenna's POV



"Hi, how are you?" I told David, when he came to meet me after the dismissal assembly.

He started taking his black bag off his shoulders "Wait for me and let's go together. I have to meet with the Principal concerning my scholarship, I won't take long."

He did not wait to hear my response, instead he quickly placed his bag in my hand and began to walk in the direction of the Administration block.

"David..." I tried to get his attention but he just waved his hand at me. He turned back, winked and mouthed 'wait'.

He's lucky today though that I don't have to pick my siblings from school. That responsibility was taken off my shoulders from the moment I started spending extra hours in school. I stayed behind for one more hour after dismissal each day, so I can go through some notes and my textbooks as well.

David caught me staying in class one day, as usual, and he insisted on staying behind with me. I didn't know how to refuse him, especially since the incident with Daphne happened. After I told him that I've forgiven him, he began to hang around.

The truth is I only told him that I have, so that he'll stay away from me and leave me to nurse my heart. Instead he saw it as an opportunity to become a close friend, and because Hassan is close to me too, there's no way I could avoid him. 
Besides, David's very intelligent, so I figured he could be useful as my friend.

"Are you not going home yet?" Deborah asked me, while she searched her bag thoroughly; it seemed she's lost something.

"Not yet. I'm waiting for David." I told her in all honesty. Besides I was holding David's bag, there was no way she wouldn't believe me.

I don't know why, but I'm not comfortable telling my friends that I stay behind after school hours, to read. They might decide to join me and in turn, they'll just end up distracting my focus. I can't focus if I'm in a rowdy, noisy or even active environment.

I prefer to study and read in my room at home, or when I'm home alone and even in the library.
If I'm situated in a place where I'm able to see actions or listen to stories and discussions, then I will definitely not concentrate on studying my books.

"Ehh! Okay then, I'm going home with Dinma. See you tomorrow." She waved goodbye before walking away.

I exhaled slowly; thankful that she didn't probe any deeper.
Of all the girls in my class that I'm friends with, Debby's the most inquisitive. When she starts to question or suspect something about someone, she doesn't lets the matter die down easily.

After she's walked out of sight, I started debating on whether I should go to the library or find somewhere close by to sit and read. Even I chose a spot close to the assembly podium; it was closer to the admin and academic blocks. So it would be easier for me to see David when he comes out from the Principal's office.

I thought back to the day I found out that David was granted a scholarship, it was on same day he cornered me on my way to the library.

  "I didn't mean to kiss her, believe me. I only wanted to talk to you that day, that was why I sent you that letter. I had no idea that she was in the computer class at that time and she kissed me all of a sudden, I was caught off guard."

"So...why are you explaining yourself, I told you that I don't want to know." I tried to act tough.

"I'm telling you because I don't want whatever that's happening between us right now to continue, I enjoyed our friendship back then and I don't think you should have a problem with me kissing Daphne, but I don't want you to continue to ignore me. I don't like that." He pleaded.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now