Part six (frienemies)

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Hello again. Dunno how many POV would be in this chapter, so read with patience.

Part six


  Nnenna's POV

"Class prefect, I don't want to wait for you for more than two minutes. Once I arrive at the staff room, you have to follow in right after. If I wait too long for you, I'll not mark those assignments and all of you would loose twenty marks, do you understand?"  Mrs Omotayo said to Ernest, the prefect before she took her leave.

" Alright, pls you guys heard what she said, submit your books now, I'm leaving oo, ehh! Nobody should say I'm wicked " Ernest scolded.
I know for a fact that my classmates can be annoying as stain on a white cloth, you just have to deal with them patiently or they'll break you down.

For instance, Timmi's just writing her assignment in class. What could she probably be doing at home that she did not do it throughout the weekend. And by 'doing' I meant copying from Daphne's work.

I know I shouldn't get annoyed because it isn't my problem but thankfully, Chidinma spoke my mind.
  "Timmi didn't you hear what he said, submit your assignment what did you use your weekend for?"

" Bia how da one take concern you. Amebo, mind your business oo" Timmi replied, seriously copying.

"Don't mind her, don't you know what she's good at by now, 'sticking her nose into other peoples business, is it your book she's writing from or with?" Jade came to Timmi's defense

  "See á kulá, I didn't call you into this matter. I only told Timmi was she deserved to hear, do you think Ernest has all day to wait for her" Dinma fired back, trust her to speak her mind without fear.

"What did you just call me?" Jade said anger in her eyes ready to pounce on her.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The others in the class started chanting .

  "Just stop it, Timmi give me the book and let me get out of here or I'm leaving without it" Ernest spoke up.

"Take jare your blood too dey hot" Timmi retorted

  Ernest gathered the book and skipped out of the class.

  "See Chidinma ko whatever it is they call you, let this be the very last time you'll repeat something like this. I won't take it lightly the next time you call me such names again" Jade continued

  "Lekwem, is that a threat, should I be scared …"

"Chidinma stop it now!" a voice boomed and all heads turned to him, a boy I've come to know whose name is Hassan.

I used to think he is quiet until now. I mean I've never seen him act roughly or engage in a fist fight but I must admit, Dinma went really far.

   "What has gotten into the two of you today, don't you think you're acting too childish for your age. I mean what would the junior students think, or worse if a teacher was in the other class. Timmi you know it was wrong of you to write an assignment the minute it should be submitted but that doesn't mean that Chidinma can criticize her for it or that Jade should support her in it. Please let's learn to respect ourselves". He concluded as some students cheered for him and I didn't miss the look of jealousy that crossed David's face at that moment.

Jade and Timmi seemed like they wanted to continue the bickering with Hassan but Daphne patted Timmi at her back and asked her to calm down.

Few minutes later, our math teacher came into the class.

Deborah's POV

Nne, Dinma and I as usual were together during break time when Daphne and her clique passed by.  Dinma suddenly had a scowl on her face but she knew better than to comment on it as they might attack her.

" Hey pretties, how do you do?" I knew that voice even before turning back.
"Hey girl" I greeted Hadith. Dinma and Nne smiled in acknowledgement.

  "Hope you don't mind if I sit with you guys?" She politely asked

"No, not at all" another thing I admired about Hadith is her cheerful nature, unlike her twin brother Hassan who is always gloomy and so serious, Hadith took most things lightly.

  "Heard about what happened in your class today and how you Dinma showed those girls their place. It's just bad I couldn't come watch" she said.

  "Hey Didi, you know that's bad and besides your brother wouldn't have agreed to such bad behaviour" I chided, imagining how he would have scolded her had she come in to watch.

"Oh please don't mind my brother he's such a killjoy. Hey have you noticed any change between him and David lately?"

   "No I haven't, am I supposed to. And besides you know boys, it's  hardly ever easy to find out differences between them. I'm sure we'll know if there is soon" I said being careful of my every word.

Hassan and I have a strong long lasting issue which we haven't been able to settle.
He doesn't have a problem with me but I have a big problem towards him and I'm not about to tell him nor his sister anytime soon.

  Hassan and David have been best of friends since they came into GCH and Hadith is practically David's sister as well so it's just normal that she would realise when they have an issue between them.

  The four of us had a lot of fun under the shade just discussing about random things and also about our life until the bell rang indicating that break is over.

Hadith and Dinma murmured some words under their breaths and I inwardly groaned before we stood to go into our classes.
As Hadith is in SS3B class and they would be having history class.

   We were going up the stairs when suddenly a student in SS2 bumped into me and the book I was holding fell to the floor.

"Sorry, here" he picked it up and gave it back. But when I turned to go up, I realized that  my so called three friends had gone. I sighed but as I was about to go up another body pushed me and I almost fell but luckily he got me and I looked up, behold he was none other than Hassan.

"I'm sorry" he said but before I would react in a way I do not like, I pushed his hands away.

"I.…it's okay" my voice came out weak before I hurriedly ran up.


What's the problem between Hassan and Deborah?

What's brewing between the so called best of friends, Hassan and David?

Ensure to comment and pls vote, thanks.

Yours sincerely,

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now