Part Three( who is she?)

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Part Three

Daphne's POV
   As I walked through the hallway, few of my classmates gave me some funny glances, at  that moment I  knew they were saying things about me. Who cares?. They are just jealous because they can't match up to my status in this school.
  Yes, I am one of the richest and popular students in Great Citizens' Hall. My school is one of the known schools in Lagos with a great number of students, we go to different school inter-competitions  with other well-known secondary schools in Lagos as well and in most of them, I emerge the winner that's why I'm famous.

   I've not been in school for three weeks since the day school reopened because I was recuperating from a sickness which actually started on the day school reopened, and my friends have been worried about me. Only Timmi knew and came to visit, I didn't want the others to go through the trouble. But they made sure each note and assignment, they'd send to me on WhatsApp.
I'm grateful that I feel much better now.

   As I got closer to my class, SS3A, I spotted Jade, Amara and Timothy. They were standing outside the class gisting, it appears they haven't seen me, but when I appeared within their sight, Amara squealed and threw her arms around me.

  “Baby girl, when did you arrive?" She asked.

“Mumu, if dey no tell you, you no know say na now wey she dey come school." (Fool, if you're not told don't you have common sense to know that she just arrived) Timothy countered.

I like Timothy but at times he could really be a badass and annoying as hell.

   “Was I talking to you? Lekwem wahala, biko Timothy mind your business." (see trouble, please Timothy mind your business).

   “As in ehh, what's his own this morning." Jade spoke in support of Amara.  I felt trouble brewing and didn't want it to erupt so I intervened.

  “Ah ah naa,what's up? See guys is too early for such childish acts. I just came now ah aah. Look, I brought some goodies for you, let's go inside first."

     “Wow, good girl." Jade praised. But as we were going in, the bell rang and all three of them growled.

“Don't worry, it's still here. I'll give you during break".

    Inside the class I saw some of my classmates getting ready to go down for the morning assembly.
While putting my books inside my desk locker, I shifted my body and bumped into another body.

Turning back, I see a new face ( but my).  She is beautiful, fair and round face with short dark hair which she made in corn rows. Suddenly my insecurities got the better of me.

   Up until now, I was seen as the most beautiful girl in Great Citizens' Hall, I've won awards and prizes for 'Smart and beautiful contests',  in this school since my JS2 and now there's a competition. 

I didn't know how long I was lost in thoughts until she hissed and walked out of the class, Deborah followed after her.

I stood, stunned at what just happened and turned back to Amara and Jade only to see similar looks on their faces which says ‘I'm not surprised'.

Then I felt compelled to ask,
“Who is she?"


Bella's POV

  “I'd better warn you now. They say that disease is better prevented than cured, please stay away from Daphne." Chidinma said.

“who's Daphne?" I asked.

“The Queen of G.C.H,that girl whom you bumped into a moment ago," Dinma confirmed.

   “You mean that arrogant one?"

“It's more like arrogantly annoying snob. I don't understand what she thinks of herself. Just because her uncle is the principal and she's considered the most beautiful girl in G.C.H, she sees herself as being above all others in this school. She even has her own clique, Jezebels' Club…"

  “Dinma that's enough!” Deborah cautioned.

“Don't spoil her image, it's just her first day of returning to school. Let Bella find out for herself you never know Daphne might have changed.”

   “Change my foot! After what that girl and her demonic clique did to me, I hardly doubt they'll ever change.”

  “please let's go down now, I don't want to be punished today." I told them not feeling like discussing the issue any longer.

If there's one thing I've learnt from my father, that is to never let what you hear about people becloud your judgment. Allow them show themselves and hear their lies or truths.

  I was still a new student here, even though I've been here for three weeks. I wouldn't want to taint my name this early, but I won't take a damn from anyone, I like to show people their place.  She might have a class, but I won't let her use her class to intimidate me.


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𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now