Part seven (Adapting)

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Seven ( Adapting)

Bella's POV

Well school has been going alright since I joined, I can't say I like everything about the school but I don't hate it either. Contrary to what I first believed when I enrolled, I'm actually beginning to feel comfortable here.

I found great friends and I get on with my subjects and teachers really well, except for those language studies. I'm a Nigerian but I didn't grow in Nigeria, so I'm lost about some things most times. I hail from Edo State to be precise and was born and raised in Cameron. I grew up with my Mom who's a bonafide citizen there. My Parents were married but due to some challenges, they find out that they cannot continue living with each other so they had to divorce.

It happened five years ago when I was still getting accustomed to highschool. Dad got transferred here, but Momma had always believed that life in Nigeria is hard, so she couldn't agree with his decision to move down here. She had told him to decline the offer and resign but being a stubborn man, he refused.

The problem between them became worse and I almost got caught in the fire, their relationship became so distant that they had to result to getting their marriage annulled. So the court's decision was that I would stay with my mom until I'm sixteen then I'll stay with dad for two years before I can decide how I want to live my life and that was what led to my coming to Nigeria.

I must admit though that the country has its perks but I can't help thinking about my mom and the friends I left behind, being a new student in the midst of 'old cargoes' as our Economics teacher would say, is no fun but I'm glad I came across Deborah, Peace, Jacob and a few others.

Dad's house (or should I say, our house) is located in an estate. There are a lot of two-storey buildings found there, each family lives in a separate compound which I enjoy because when I stayed with mom, we were living in a public compound and small shops were located around it. The environment was usually noisy during the day and sometimes at night because of all these shops.
I found it difficult to concentrate and have my privacy most times. And by privacy, I meant dancing.  I engage in most social activities and I'm not boring at all. So living in a public compound with people around me 24/7, restricted most of my activities.

But here it's just me, dad,our gateman Aboy and Mirian, the house help.
I'm adapting to life in Nigeria and Dad contributed a lot to that, he's always making things easier for me. I've read books that narrate about divorcée getting remarried and I'm surprised that my father hasn't brought that up but to be honest, I won't know what to do when he brings it up. I'm hoping just like Deborah said and I quote,

"This is Nigeria, most things are not considered nor obeyed here," and recently I've seen that.

Nnenna's POV

D*mn this, d*mn school life, d*mn teenage life, damn annoying families.
I mean lately they've been making my life a real pain. I have to deal with my annoying siblings at home, with their clothes, assignments and all other things that come with having younger siblings.

Yesterday, after a very hectic day at school adding to the biology practical we had, I had to come home later than usual only to have to see tons of clothes waiting in the laundry basket to be washed. I didn't have the option of prolonging the laundry any longer as mom wouldn't hear of it, she would continue to rant about how hardworking she was when she was my age. Or how she never failed to do the laundry when I was still younger, saying it would be a shame to have a maid in the house when she has someone as old as me.
I'm so tired of hearing it and the worst is when she compares me to our neighbours my age, as if she knows how they behave when they go into their houses.

When would I do something that she wouldn't be so disappointed about.
If I begin to count her own shortcomings, they would amount to mine no doubt. Let me just mention a few.

I don't even have a phone, whenever I bring up the matter she would always have a flimsy excuse to give like, ''for  now those things would distract you, you can use mine if it's so necessary. Focus on your studies and I'll get you a phone after your exams."

I don't have a savings account. Out of sixteen subjects that I learn in school, I only have five textbooks. Comprising of the three major sciences, English and Mathematics and I won't lie, I actually had the maths because I took it from the school laboratory during practical one day. But hey don't blame me it dated 2017, meaning that the owner is out of the school.

Whenever I remember it I'm not proud of my actions but what would a girl do, she doesn't know how difficult it is for me to adapt. I'm not on the class WhatsApp group nor Facebook or any other social media that you can think of so I'm hardly aware of anything new issues in the class.

But if there's one thing I'm thankful for, it's that I'm friends with good people who have made it easier for me. Sometimes my only hope of solace is when I get to school and get involved in a new scenario and I'm going to make good use of it.


There, you have it. You've seen how Nnenna and Bella both take the changes in their lives. And no, Nnenna and Bella are not the same person.
I get that question a lot.

Which can you identity with…

Pls comment, vote and let's talk.

Yours sincerely,

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now