Part Fifty-Three

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Part Fifty-Three


David's POV

Finally, I managed to sneak out of Aunt Cecilia's house. That woman sabi send pesin errand ehh. She can be lazy for Africa. Aunt Cecilia, my mom's cousin from her dad's side, lived in Ijegbu, Lagos State.
She's a single mother with two kids only–a male and female, and both her children were in the higher institution. Her children–Franklin and Glory, were fathered by different men. Not to go too deep into their story, aunt Cecilia wasn't a very preserved lady in her youth so she got pregnant by different men who never married her.

But I must admit they were living the 'it' life, by 'it' you should know what I meant. They hardly lacked anything, her and her children were always provided for by their fathers. Added to the overwhelming gifts and luxury she received from other men as well. I always wondered why she still lived such lives and most times I felt irritated by her lifestyle, but as my mom would say ‘life isn't fair to everyone and most times there are people who aren't strong enough to stand the storm.’ To be honest, I felt her words. My mother had every reason to succumb to the temptations that came with men and luxury after she had me, she could have up-and-left Chinedu at any point in time, because well, he didn't pay a dime on her head. Yet, she stayed. She endured the tough life with him, because she was a strong woman with a heart of gold and very grateful.

Don't get me wrong, I don't completely hate coming to aunt Cecilia's house. There's the enjoyable part like eating lots of various food, there's always a spare room for rainy days and constant electricity. Who in their right mind won't appreciate such?

After I had done my job, I immediately took an excuse of going to greet Madam T-Best (the best food-seller in the area) and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. When I got outside the perimeter of her compound, I slowed down my pace and tried to even my breathing. There were two different roads that led to where I lived with my immediate family, from aunt Cecilia's house. One  can choose to go through the central marketplace and take a cab afterwards at a cheaper rate, or ride a cab from anywhere outside the environ and pay a larger fare.
Of course, my pick was that of the central marketplace. I don't have money for frivolities right now because I'm trying to save up, so I can buy my graduation clothes.

When I passed by Ijegbu ICT center, I saw the few clusters of people— teenagers and youths, gathered in the area. That was what made me recall that some candidates were writing today. I decided that I was going to look as I passed by, I might see one of my classmates and ask some questions based on how the exam went. While I walked past, that was exactly what I did, to my utmost surprise, I saw the last person my mind crossed to at that moment. Nnenna Njemanze.

I had not even the slightest idea that she was writing in this center. I must admit that she worked really hard to cut ties with me to the best of her ability, from the time she called quits, it was difficult to keep track of anything that was going on with her. Besides, her friends had no idea that we used to be an item, so speaking to them or asking them any questions concerning her would definitely seem suspicious. I was going to walk away and stay away from her like she would always ask me to, but I decided against that. I wronged her so it was only right that she was treating me this way. I marched closer to where I saw her standing alone, she was talking to Brianna from Lytton's College.
How long have they known each other?  I couldn't help but wonder if they've met before asides today.

“Hi Nnenna,” I started when I got close enough. She was startled at the voice that called her name. She looked back to see me.

“Hi,” she tried to smile but I saw that it didn't reach her eyes. A forced smile.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now