Part Forty-Nine (Right path)

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Part Forty-Nine


Bella's POV

From the corner of my right eye, I saw Daphne walking hesitantly towards the car. I knew she was going to come along, she just needed a little push.
No matter how tough and insolent she pretended to be, I knew that deep down that's a little girl who wanted to please everyone.

I got into the car and left the door ajar for her to come in. I was glad that I got here in time to stop Timmi from taking those pills, who knew what would have happened as a repercussion. Thank goodness I followed my instincts to go through Daphne's diary. I knew it was wrong of me to do so, but she left me with no other option. She was too secretive about her philanthropic missions with whoever kept her busy. At first, I thought perhaps she was seeing a guy and the night I saw her writing in her diary, I was so restless to find out the guy she was writing about, as it would be nice to know that she could actually have feelings.

Once we were done for the night, I left Kachi and Mirian to themselves, while I headed to my room. As usual, Daphne had refused to stay downstairs with us, to watch a movie. She was probably going through the messages on her phone, surfing the internet or even sleeping. I had gotten used to the idea of sharing a bed with her.

With my fluffy bunny-like pair of slippers, I slowly ascended the stairs. The fur-covered slippers deadened any sound my movement was making as I trailed up. I opened the door almost immediately, because I thought Daphne was asleep already. As if on impulse, my gaze met hers as she tried to cover whatever she was hunched over the table scribbling. She looked completely shaken, and the shock was evident in her eyes.

"What's that?" I said and made to go closer to her.

"Since when did anything I do concern you? Leave me alone and mind your business," she curtly replied.

"Okay oo, sweet dreams." I switched off the lampshade beside the bed, then I tucked myself in, kept away my phone, did the sign of the cross and closed my eyes.

She didn't say anything else but hissed loudly before standing up from the chair. With my eyes slightly opened, I saw her walking very quietly towards the wardrobe. She opened the closet, quietly brought out her beige-coloured duffel bag and placed the small book under some of her clothes. With the small filter of light across the room, I was able to pick out the silhouette of her skyblue mid-length nightie. She went into the bathroom, did her business and came back to the bed. After some minutes, I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep, thinking to myself that tomorrow was another day to find out what she was hiding.

The next day, as soon as Daphne began to take her bathe, I unlocked the wardrobe and got out her diary from her bag. Since there wasn't much time to glance through it, I took quick photos of the last three pages, then left the diary as I saw it. Immediately that was taken care of, I left the room. There was no point staying around to create any suspicion in her mind. So I left the room as soon as my mission was accomplished, headed downstairs to find what I could help Miss Angela with.

After stalling for some time, I went to the backyard and brought out my phone. Whenever I overheard any footsteps, I pretended to be scrolling through Facebook newsfeed. I quickly went to gallery and clicked on the most recent photo, at the third swipe, Daphne's writing came into view. This was how it looked;

I couldn't tell if I was appalled or completely disheartened at what I found out. Daphne was aware that her best friend was pregnant and planning to have an abortion, despite knowing who was responsible for her condition. I also felt truly disappointed at uncle Praise, it was difficult for me to fathom him in that light. Even thinking about him and Timmi being together, made me want to retch. It was when I made up my mind to cause a change in the plot of events. I didn't know Tim's parents nor her house, but I knew someone who would lead me to them. I discreetly followed Daphne with dad's car, from the moment she left the mansion, knowing that she was headed to Timmi's place.

After I met with the security guard and lied to him that I was a damsel in distress that really needed help. Don't ask what I said to him and why he chose to give me his Oga's number. Once I got the number, I quickly went into the car and put a call across to him.

And that was how Timmi's dad was got notified of the situation of things.

Daphne and I arrived home, throughout the ride we remained silent, not speaking a word to each other. It was probably for the best, since we were not even on good speaking terms. But one thing I got worried about was that Daphne was never one to stay silent when she's been hurt or wronged, she always retaliated.

"You don't have to worry about me telling your mom, I'll let you do that on your own. But, you have to tell her on time before she hears it somewhere else." I said to Daphne as the car pulled to a stop in front of the house.

I didn't expect her to say anything meaningful to me as a reply, and anyways, she didn't say anything to me either. I looked at her, dumbfounded that she wouldn't offer a reply. I ignored her then and went into the building.

"Bella, I was just about to call your number and know where you ran off to. I expect that from my own daughter, not you." Miss Angela commented when she saw me, just then, Daphne walked into the room.

I could see clearly the look of disappointment and betrayal all over Daphne's face, probably at her mother's words.

"Sorry Ma, Daphne and I decided to eat out. We talked about everything and we agreed to make things work between us." I looked Daphne in the eye, smiling as I said those words to her mother.

She was probably stunned at my action, but I realized it was for the best. As much as Miss Angela loved my dad, she loved her daughter more, and would be very happy if everyone in this family got along.
Since I couldn't help my mother prevent the divorce between her and my dad from happening, I could at least, try to give this new family I had, a chance at a happy-ever-after.


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