Part One ( Resumption)

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Part One (Resumption)


Nnenna's POV

"You know you're beautiful right?" He said to me.
I blushed furiously, I don't even know if my cheeks are pink right now.

"So what do you say?" 
I looked up at him after he asked the question.

"What?" I asked again, feigning ignorance. 

"Wait for me during practice today...,"

"Uhm, I don't know oo. I'm supposed to wash when I get back home. My clothes are already dirty,"

"No, you'll have to try. It's just for one hour."

"Okay," I sheepishly agreed.

"Alright beautiful one, let's go grab some snacks." He spoke like one of those charming Korean heroes.

   My boyfriend is really one of a kind and to know that he's the star player of GCH, tickles my heart.’ I thought as I held his hand while we walked to one of the kiosks located around the school.
I was still enjoying watching my handsome boyfriend secretly when I almost missed my step because of a stone. At the impact, I shook.

I woke up with a start only to realize that I'm still in the small room, occupied by myself and Stephanie.
It seems I woke up a little earlier today so it was better to have my laundry done since today's the first day of my new school.
I wanted to go early and make a good impression, plus most of my clothes were dirty and since I had no alarm clock, ( though I've had intentions of getting one) I groomed myself to waking up earlier, perhaps around 4am.

  I got out of my room after saying a very short prayer especially concerning my first day in my new school and found myself in the passage. Using the torchlight in my hand, I walked towards the bulb switch and switched it on so as to find my way towards the bathroom, cause that's where we do the laundry. I had to wash them now so I'll have clothes to wear to school because for now I'll be attending in mufti.

I sat on a stool and began washing the clothes soaked in water already while singing quietly to myself.  Halfway washing, I began to feel uncomfortable, I felt pelvic pains. For any lady it also means that someone has come to pay a visit. 
'Of all days it had to be today when I'm starting a new school.’  I mumbled as if talking to my period would make it listen. 

After washing my clothes, I lined the clothes on the single rope in the bathroom that Mother had made for spreading undies. I left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The lights were still out which means that Mother wasn't in the kitchen yet, I have to get started on breakfast.

After I switched on the bulb, I rummaged through the cupboard to bring out eggs to fry. Getting all the ingredients ready, I set to making breakfast. When the eggs were ready, I removed the pan from the stove and placed a kettle of water over it to boil.
Just then, mother came in and told me to go get ready for school while she continues.

  "Okay ma." I replied before making my way back to the bathroom. There'll be no need to wait for the water to heat since I prefer using cold or lukewarm water to bathe.

I can't still seem to comprehend the dream I had earlier even as I was crosschecking my bag to see if everything I needed for school was in it. I know I've been thinking about my new school a lot, but to dream of having a boyfriend, that's wild.

I was in faraway land when I heard Tochi scream. Tochi is my immediate younger brother. We are totally four occupants in this house including myself, my mother, Tochukwu (Tochi for short) and Stephanie our cousin who is only three years older than Tochi. 

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now