Part Fifty-four

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Part Fifty-four

David's POV

This was the first time in my life to see someone laid so helpless and weak on a hospital bed, and to think that the man I was looking at was my biological father whom I thought was non-existent. He was putting on a white and pink-dotted johnny, and laid flat on his back. His eyes were still closed but his mouth was ajar, because of the ventilator which was fixed to help him breathe.

The scenario was looking strange and weird to me. I've been in the hospital before— when Ikenna was born, to pay the customary visit and back then my mind was still too young to hold memories of anything I might have seen. But this image in front of me was definitely going to stick for a lifetime. I walked slowly towards his bed like I was considering each step I took forward, my mom was right behind me.

When I got close to his side, I discovered just how much I looked like him. The height, eyes and cheekbones I inherited from him, while my lips were from my mom's side. Ikenna was also very tall but light-skinned and had small lips as well. He was breathing at a faster rate than a healthy person would, but nothing of alarm because the heart monitor wasn't indicating such. I looked at mom and she nodded her head in permission, so I locked my fingers with his, as I sat down on the blue chair provided. I had no idea what I was to say to him seeing that I've never spoken to him in person, I've never even had any relationship with him.

Whilst I held his hand, I silently said a prayer in my subconscious—pleading that my father pulls through this without any complications. The doctor did inform us after the operation that his condition was on it's way to being stable, but we had to wait until he fully regained consciousness and they ran some tests on him to confirm. To say that I was shocked when he told that my father was poisoned, wasn't the full truth. I was stunned as well as scared for him, I wondered what and who could have hated so much to poison him. Thankfully, the doctor confirmed that he reacted to an allergy.

“It's going to be alright baby, I know your dad and he's a fighter. He'll pull through, okay?” mom said as she placed her hand over my shoulder.

I managed to nod my head in acknowledgement at her words. I didn't really know what to say to my mother as well. I figured I was furious at her, perhaps if she didn't act all bossy and kept me away from him, maybe just maybe, he would know that there's something or someone worth fighting for. Despite the fact that I had a father-figure in my life—Chinedu, Ikenna's dad, I always knew deep down that he didn't fully play out that role in my life. He doesn't fill in the gap in my heart that only a true father can fill.
So, I was beyond scared of losing a father I haven't even met. I laid my head besides his and didn't realize when I nodded off.

“David, son wake up” I heard my mom's voice calling from my innermost mind.

When I opened my eyes I saw that father was already awake, he was looking into my eyes, tears brimming at his. Mother was positioned by the other side of his bed, smiling at whatever was said between the two of them. The scenario made me realize that he must have been awake since a while ago and who knew what they must have been saying while I drooled away.

“,” I greeted, as I was used to. I sat upright on the chair and pulled on the creases that had formed on my shirt.

“David right?” Dad said, his voice totally drained of emotion.

“Yes sir,”

“How are you my son?” he asked.

“I'm fine sir,” I answered. It felt too awkward yet heartwarming, to be talking to my real father.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now