Part Twenty Three (A Silver lining in the cloud)

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Part Twenty-Three

Please remember to vote and comment. BTW, thanks for over four hundred reads on the first two chapters and more than thirty reads on chapter twenty one. We're really growing┌(・。・)┘♪.


Daphne's POV

Someone wake me up from this nightmare. How can this be possible? How can that foreigner just come from nowhere and win the crown just like that.

I stood transfixed at a point, this must be a dream because I can't accept the fact that my enemy just won over me.
Sooner or later I'll be the laughing stock of the school. My friends from other schools who hear of it would be shocked as well.

And what about my Mum, she's never pressurized me to win but I always want to win as a way of showing her that she can be proud of me. I even told the audience that she's one of my driving force and source of inspiration. I wonder how she's going to feel when I come back home today without the crown.

I will always be remembered in GCH as the girl that lost the position of 'Smart and beautiful' to a new student. Daphne Okoro has never known defeat.

Gosh! Why is this happening?

The universe seemed to be working against me. I watched as she was crowned the winner of the 'Smart and beautiful girl in GCH, 2018'. My poor heart couldn't take it while everyone hugged and swooned over her, it was like I suddenly became invisible.

Just like flash, I ran out of the stage and continued running until I arrived to a quiet spot. The PE teacher's office was a place students rarely go to because they can't make loud sounds around the vicinity, failure to abide by the rules meant doing the frog-jump for the rest of the day.

The tears were threatening to spill so I slowed down and walked briskly until I arrived at a safe spot, I sobbed quietly for my loss. I didn't know how to handle loss, it's been a long time since I've felt like this and it's disheartening. I'm just sad that something that has kept me going and been my source of joy for a while was taken away so easily.

My closest friends were nowhere to be found during the time I experienced the breakdown and to be honest, I'm happy they were not here to see me like that. I wiped my tears, cleaned my dress with my hands and decided to go back in search of those friends of mine. I walked down the hall for a while and on getting closer to my classroom, I heard noises coming from inside. I peeked in quietly to know what's going on and to my greatest surprise, I saw Nnenna, David and a couple of other guys.

I wonder what that goody-twoshoes nerd is doing with three guys, alone in a classroom. From the look of things, she must be having a good time. I've been friends with David for five years and I have a crush on him to which he's ignorant but I've never tried to get close to him like the way Nnenna is. I wanted to crash their little fun cause it was getting me irritated, David can't possibly be having fun with any girl who isn't me.

"Hey, what's up all?" I said,waltzing into the classroom.

"Hey Daph, how did it go?" Adams asked me.

I sighed,not really sure how to reply to his question.

"Is it true that Bella won the contest?" Ernest asked, looking into his phone.

"How do you know that?" David looked towards Ernest.

"Someone just posted the results on the school's account on Facebook. Even your pictures were uploaded." Ernest replied before raising his head to stare at me.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now