Part Twenty-one (Let's hear your side of the story)

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Part Twenty-one

David's POV

Like wtf!

Did I hear her question correctly or am I just over thinking this.
It hasn't even been up to six months since she joined the school and she wants to know the relationship between Hassan and I.

Well I've got some good news for her. I may be all sweet and all over her, but it's because of the dare I had made and not that I owe her anything for trying to get closer to her. The deadline for the dare is next week. On exactly the end-of-the-year party that the school annually celebrates before going on Christmas holiday.
I have to make her fall for my charms before that day.

"It's no big issue. Hassan and I have been through this before and we've  overcomed it, it's only a misunderstanding that we would clear soon enough." I lied, playing around with the chips in a bowel before me.

"Funny, Hassan said almost same thing." She announced, putting a stick of chips into her mouth.

It's normal for Hassan to say such a thing. It made me remember the times we were still close, he'll always have my back. He'll support me in times of trouble or danger, he'll be my counsellor in my saddest moments. He'll always chastise me when I go wrong and most of all, he'll always clean up every mess I dragged myself into. He was an ideal brother, until he stabbed me at the back.

Even as of today, I can hardly believe that we haven't spoken peacefully with each other for ten months. My pride will definitely not let me confront him about it and he'll certainly keep his distance.

Nnenna and I continued eating in comfortable silence which I was grateful for. I really have nothing more to say to her. I may be the star player at my school and the hottest jock who could get any girl I want in my school, yet, whenever it came down to things like this; keeping a reasonable conversation going, Hassan was the guru.

I was slowly picking the food before me when my phone vibrated. Incoming message.
I unlocked it to view the message. It came from Hadith Danjuma.

Lady D
Bro we need your help, San is in trouble😭.

Received: Tuesday 2:34pm

Immediately I saw the message, I became alert and tensed. Hassan in trouble, that's not possible. Hassan is the most responsible guy I've met how could he get into trouble. I thought of calling Hadith but I waved it aside, she'll just be more anxious.

I replied to her message.

I'm coming right now, where are you guys?

Sent: Tuesday 2:36pm

Lady D
At Giant Stars Library. You know the place right?

Received: Tuesday 2:36pm

On my way...relax.

Sent: Tuesday 2:37pm.

“I have to go. Hassan is in some kind of trouble. ” I told Nnenna who's looking into her plate.

"What?!" She asked, looking anxious all of a sudden.

"Come on let me take you to your house." I stood from my seat and counted some notes from my wallet.

She thought for a while before standing up. "Okay, please let me know what happens when you get there. You can call the number that I used to call you,"

"No problem. You can take these home if you're not done eating." I told her. I really don't like the idea of wasting food especially if money was used to buy it.

𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀 ✔️ (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now