Part Forty-Three (Confidant)

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Part Forty-Three


David's POV

The sound of Runtowns' For Life —my phone's ringing tone, had me standing from the couch in the living room and to the electric extension – where I had plugged it to charge. I spared a glance at the screen; Boss D was the name flashing across the screen—my contact name for Daphne Okoro. I wondered why she was calling me suddenly out of the blue, Daphne never called me unless she wanted something done and I have no doubt this time would be any different.

Since the last time she kissed me against my knowledge, I've literally been avoiding her. It wasn't so hard to do, as we're a large number of students anyway, and I ensure to leave the hall immediately I submit my paper. I let the music ring for sometime before I swiped to the green icon.

“Hi Daph, wassup?" I started, making sure to keep the conversation quick and impersonal.

“Hi Dave, how have you been?" she made sure to ask a question that I'm certain would prolong the call.

"I've been alright, resting throughout the short break you know. . . before our final exams. You?”

“I'm not going to say I've been doing alright like you, but at least, I'm trying so hard to take in everything happening in my life right now," she answered.

I was stuck for words, I wanted to ask her what she meant by her answer. But, I knew better to avoid anything personal for now. My relationship with Daphne was never something serious though it was too personal, cause we go way back during the time I was in loggerhead with Hassan, she was another person who understood me. I still can't place any good reason to why she suddenly kissed me then, and I'm also hesitant to ask her why, I don't know, but I have a feeling I won't like her answer.

Are you at home now?” she questioned, and I became wary of why she asked.

No, I' a get-together with some of my guys. I'll be home later today.” I had to lie because I didn't want her paying me any surprise visit, but it wasn't a complete lie. I would be going to a get-together later today, so, it was safe for her to know I won't be available.

"Alright, it's not like I can make it to your house anyway, we're away for the meantime.” she said, accompanied with low chuckle.

“But you'll be around for the last paper, bah?” I had to confirm, I really hoped that whatever she's saying wasn't as serious as she was putting it.

“Yes, for sure. Dave?” she called and sounded meek.

“Yeah...” I waited for whatever was to come.

“. . . If you ever find yourself in a position where you have to do the right thing against your best friend's wishes, or do the wrong thing in his favour, what will you do?"

I'm left perplexed at her question, I don't know why she would raise a question like this but I wouldn't want to fall for her trap. Her question though, reminded me of what happened between Hassan and I. True, I didn't like what Hassan did when he went behind my back and vied for the position of the senior prefect, but when I eventually learnt about his reasons for doing what he did, I was left with no option except to forgive him. Because, if he didn't do what he did, I surely would lose my scholarship, making all my family's handwork go down the drain.

“I think a good friend would definitely, always do the right thing even if he's aware it would cost him the relationship he shares with his friend, especially when he's decision would help positively in the future.” I puffed out a breathe I wasn't even aware that I was holding, and continued “So. . . If you find your friend more important than your relationship, you know the sacrifice you have to make.” I told her in all honesty.

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