Chapter 16 : Cutie

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December 29, 2017.

"Woah, a lot of people are wishing me already," Taehyung said dreamily, eating his breakfast.

"Of course," Jin agreed, "It's your birthday," he said, ruffling his hair.

"I can't believe you're turning 22 already," Namjoon said, "You were fourteen when you started as a trainee... Time really flies fast."

Taehyung giggled at that, happily chewing his food.

Jeongguk looked at that with heart eyes, which were literally glowing—his fingers gripping on the chopsticks he was holding—in pleasure and happiness. It was funny how it was only morning, and he did nothing but look at him, and—he only knew the euphoric feeling flowing through him.

Taehyung, unintentionally, caught Jeongguk staring at him—his chopsticks in his mouth, his puppy eyes getting bigger eventually.

(^his puppy eyes 🥺)

Jeongguk stared back at him, dazed at how adorable he looked.

Taehyung blinked.

Jeongguk choked in nothing but thin air immediately, looking away, with Yoongi hyung beside him shaking his head and patting his back.

The younger, scoffing slightly in disbelief, drinking some water immediately, as he looked at Taehyung—who had a teasing smile on his face, as the elder snickered continuing his meal silently.

Seeing that, Jeongguk broke out into one of his fullest smiles—he started to become joyous at the smallest things, he started to appreciate the smallest things of Taehyungs.

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat, sensing the precious smile Jeongguk had.

I made him smile...

He thought, his insides feeling giddy.

Only you can make me smile like this.

Jeongguk thought at the same time, as he bent down, continuing to breakfast.




Taehyung was a bit free that day.

After having the most hectic day in the past few months, and coming home to Jeongguk waiting for him, giving him massage and gave his third forehead kiss—yeah, Taehyung counted, and also, sleeping in his arms—Taehyung had the most comfortable night.

He was in his studio again, a bit relaxed in his work, as his schedule was freer than usual.

He closed his system, sighing.

There was one thought—more like a dilemma in his mind, that he couldn't figure out.

"Should I confess to Jeongguk?" He asked to himself.

He knew he liked him, for sure—as much as he hated it, though.

Taehyung never really kept anything from his members, especially not from Jeongguk—so, he was afraid he may not be able to keep this for long. 

If he was going to get rejected—the sooner the better. If Jeongguk really liked him back, then Taehyung would...

"I don't know, what should I do?" He asked to himself, "Maybe I can ask his help in accepting myself, yeah... I can ask his help—like always."

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