[P2] Chapter 48 : Insecure

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Before we get into the chapter, I'm so happy to let you know that this work won 2nd place in Bultaoreune Awards! 😭😭

I'm so thankful... 🥺🥺


April 29, 2019.

Maybe he was unlucky.

It wasn't like he wanted to feel what he was feeling right now, and it came to the stage where his own thoughts weren't under his control. No matter how much time he looked at himself in the mirror, or jus think about himself as a matter of fact, he could only point out the negatives, and that obviously made himself feel like nothing but a piece of shit.

Taehyung, somehow, slowly started to grow a little anxious and insecure about himself. Especially how he was keep messing up the dance moves, and how he couldn't stick to his perfect vocal range during recording. The fact that they had to retake the shoot a lot of times, and Taehyung being the reason for most of it, didn't make hm feel better.

And no, nobody scolded him or was being harsh with him, it was his own mind that was hurting him like no one could.

He was actually starting to think that he was getting bad at job.

"Tae...," Hoseok muttered, all seven of them stopping for the third time that evening, during their dance practice, because of the small mistakes Taehyung  made.

The younger didn't answer to that directly, instead just let out a disappointing sigh at himself, before moving to the side of the dance room, grabbing his water bottle. He could feel the others looking at him worriedly... And for some weird reason, he didn't like it.

He was just about to keep the bottle down, after gulping down a few mouths of water, only to be pulled by none other than his own boyfriend, dragging him straight out of the door.

Jeongguk was genuinely worried.

"What- What happened? Why did you- why did you do that?" Taehyung breathed out, when the younger one brought him to a camera-less corner of the floor.

"Are you okay?" The maknae asked, ignoring the question directed to him, holding Taehyung by his shoulders.

"Are you kidding me?" Taehyung asked, totally flabbergasted at the question, "You dragged me put of the room, in the middle of the practice, to ask me if I'm okay? Do you want to be doubted even more than we already are?"

Jeongguk closed his eyes for a second, regretting what he did... just a bit.

"Are you... okay?" He asked once again.

" No, I am not!" Taehyung snapped suddenly, "Manager was right around the other corner, he already saw us once and took a fucking picture. Why did you have to-"

"Hyung," he sighed, "Please you're really worrying me these days, is anything bothering you-"

"I said I as okay, didn't I? Can you stop asking continuously? I bet he took another picture-"

"Is that what you're worried about right now?!" Jeongguk asked, slightly raising his voice, starting to get a bit frustrated.

"Of course! What else would I be worried for? Why... why did you have to have me alone in front of all of them-"

"I don't know, maybe because your mind was clearly somewhere else? Maybe because you were not concentrating on anything on what Hobi hyung was saying? Maybe because you were always zoning out from a conversation? Or maybe how you were trembling last night, from nightmares? Yes, I saw you. Maybe because how anxious you are, naturally? And maybe because every time I ask whether you're okay or not, you just change the subject immediately? I don't know, you tell me!" Jeongguk completed, looking at Taehyung with stern eyes, leaving the elder one wide-eyed. 

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