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Those who thought it was an update, I'm sorry sorry T-T

But... I got tagged by my friend @sweetu_23 hehe, so let's get it-

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1. What is something weird about you? Could be a weird habit or something.

I don't know if it's weird, but I have an obsession with rings. Not an obsession, but I really really reallllyyyyy love wearing rings, especially silver ones (gold is not really my taste-)

Other than that, I get distracted so easily, I can get tired just by getting tired over and over again :)

2. Favorite K-Pop song?

I seriously can't choose because I have a lot, but currently I'm really addicted to Puma by TXT.

3. Favorite color?

Black (basically all dark colors)

4. Goal on Wattpad?

I don't really have a 'goal' in Wattpad, it's more like my escape from reality. But hey, at least my works go out there, that's a big deal for me. 

5. Current amount of followers in Wattpad?


6. Do you have any drafts?

I did have drafts, a lot of it tbh, and it was all messy and unorganized, so I deleted all of that recently, but I do have back up, so ig I have about... 5?

7. If you could choose one fanfiction to read forever and ever, what would it be?

I've read a lot of amazing ones, but if had to choose one, it will be "Whose Idea Was This?"  by imhyungry (those who haven't read, please do)

8. Favorite Wattpad people?

I met quite amount of people, and I think I love them all! Also, the one who reads my works too, y'all are the best <3

9. Writers you admire?

Um, a lot lol

NimraSajjad, Bangtanlover95, Project56 (she's underrated), LightMySparkTaekook, ThaFantasticFoursome, jjktopskth, jjkmono, pumpkinofmyeye, imhyungry (I need her humor, I just neeeeddd it)... 

Again, a lot-

10. Favorite BTS ship?

ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏˀ Taekook ofc

Tag 10 people 










Basically these are all the people I know-

But I tag everyone! Those who're reading this, feel free to answer it or post it in your own works teehee (~.~)

Update soon enough!

Have a great day/night~


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