[P2] Chapter 54 : Protected

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Some fluff in the start to make up for the sad chapter... 😗✌️

Warning : Deals with some mental issues (later in the chapter).

May 14, 2019. 

"Baby...," Jeongguk whispered, as the elder one hummed against his neck, "Are you okay now?"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, frowning, as he looked up slowly.

"No, just asking. You seem a bit better than the past few days, and that's good," he said, moving to the side, cuddling Taehyung sideways on the bed, before kissing his cheeks softly, "I was just asking to make sure. I know you told me not to intervene, but I'm worried-"

"I know, I'm sorry because of that," he said, pouting, "I didn't mean for you to seem like an outsider, I'm really sorry if you feel like that. I'm really sorry... It's just, I was not fine, but I guess I am better now. And I'm so sorry, boo-"

Jeongguk pressed his lips against the other for a second, cutting him off, before pulling away.

"It's okay," he whispered, "I know how hard it is to open up, hyung. Don't worry."

Taehyung smiled at that, pulling Jeongguk closer to him, burying his head on his shoulders, feeling really thankful for having such an understanding boyfriend. And yet, Jeongguk didn't really ask what was the real problem. One, he was nervous that he'd make Taehyung sad again, and two, he believed that Taehyung himself would tell him when he was ready.

A guilty feeling sunk in inside Taehyung's heart, remembering how he lied to Jeongguk about his parents, but he closed his eyes tightly, before scooting closer towards the younger, trying to push the feeling away. This definitely caught Jeongguk off guard, because Taehyung was literally clinging onto, with no space in between them. Not that he was complaining though.

He moved his hands up and down the elder one's back, as he engulfed him delicately, before making him lie on top of him, pecking his hair, and at that moment, Taehyung felt protected.


From the world, from everything that would hurt Taehyung.

He felt safe, he felt... comfort in Jeongguk's arms.

Though his mind was constantly revolving around the long talk between him and Jimin, he still didn't take much definite decision on whether he must seek some professional help or not. Yeah, he had been talking to Jimin, and trying not to hide anything, but he had his moments where he was nothing but sad and broken.

But he would be lying if he said that he wasn't feeling better.

Taehyung sighed contently, as Jeongguk rubbed his hand softly, in small circles with his thumb fingers. And at that moment, he knew what he was grateful for, where his home was. And for just a second, he forgot that he was lowkey abandoned by his own parents, that he was called the f-word. He forgot that he was anxious, he forgot all the hardships, he just felt like he was floating in air.

Air filled with Jeongguk's love and comfort.

"I love you, you know that, right?" He said absentmindedly.

"I do, love," Jeongguk laughed, "Now, how about we get some sleep, and go to work together in the evening?"

"That sounds great."

Taehyung would tell Jeongguk everything.

The truth.

Without hesitating, without hiding anything, he would tell everything that had been going on with him. He just hoped that the time would come soon. He hoped that he would be ready, he believed that he would be ready.

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