Chapter 8 : Don't Leave Me

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December 18, 2017.

"Taehyungie hyung," he called, tightening his grip around the elder's body---causing him to hum lazily. 

They were on the floor, at the leg of couch, with Taehyung sitting in between Jeongguk's legs---with the younger having his arms around his torso, both of them cuddling against each other. 

"I have something to tell you," Jeongguk said, laying his head on his shoulders.

"Yeah?" Taehyung asked, smiling.

"I like you."

Taehyung laughed.

"Of course I like you too, Ggukie. Is that even a question?" The elder said, shaking his head.

"Really?" Jeongguk asked in shock, as he looked at Taehyung's side profile, his eyes---shining in disbelief and anticipation.

"Why wouldn't I like you? I've literally known you for years---"

"No! I mean... hyung, I like you," he said, repeating his sentence, "More than a brother. I like you... romantically," the younger mumbled.

He could feel Taehyung freeze under his hold, as Jeongguk waited, his heart beat getting faster, his bottom lip getting abused by teeth---he looked down.

The next moment, Taehyung latched himself out of the younger's grip, before turning to face him wide eyes. Jeongguk winced slightly at the sudden force, as both of his hands hung in the air, with Taehyung in front of him.

"You what?" He asked harshly.

"Hyung, I like you---"

"No, shut up!" Taehyung shouted immediately, as Jeongguk stared at him with doe eyes starting to get filled with unshed tears. "I don't like you like that, so---" Taehyung took a deep breath.

"H-Hyung please, we can at least be friends---"

"We can never be the same, Jeongguk, why don't you understand that?" Taehyung asked, sighing, getting up.

Jeongguk felt like his whole world crumbled down his feet.

"Hyung, please... don't leave me, I-I need you, please---" 

He pleaded tears starting to build in more, as he looked above at Taehyung, practically begging him. But the elder cut him off immediately.

"I'm sorry Jeongguk, I can't give you what you want," Taehyung said, his deep voice getting cold, as he left the living room---going to his room slamming the door shut.

Jeongguk flinched at that harshly, before looking down, his tears falling down, as he started sobbing immediately, burying his face in his hands. He bit onto his lips trying to stay quiet and not disturb Taehyung---the man he loves, but it all went in vain, as the loud wails could be perfect heard by him. 

Jeongguk struggled to catch his breath, hiccupping and wailing continuously, as he spoke the only words that could come to his mind.

"P-Please come back to me..."




"P-Please come back to me..." 

Jeongguk whimpered in his sleep, his bottom lip wobbling as his cheeks were tear stained. His whole body shook---his forehead sweating vigorously. He groaned under his breath, still not waking up, as he threw his bedsheet away in a swift motion.

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