Chapter 10 : Dream

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December 22, 2017.

Jeongguk was in between Taehyung's arms, both of them lying on the bed, with the blanket covering them. 

Jeongguk slightly wiggled, as the sunlight creeped into his room through the thin curtains. He slowly opened his eyes, only to close immediately at the sudden light. He looked down, his vision still blurry---only to find two arms around his body.

He moved slightly, turning back to the other side, only to face Taehyung, who was peacefully sleeping. Jeongguk automatically smiled at that, studying his features for the umpteenth time. 

He brought his hands to caress his cheeks softly, as Jeongguk's doe eyes shone in amusement. His skin was so soft, smooth---it was ethereal. His thumb moved to his lips, slightly hesitating.

Jeongguk's eyes fell on his pink lips, as his finger traced it softly. He loved the feeling---how the bottom lip shook slightly between his thumb. He moved his finger to his nose, caressing the mole, with a small smile on his face. 

He wanted to kiss his his lips.

So badly.

He suddenly felt the grip tighten around his torso, as he moved even more closer to Taehyung's face, his eyes widening momentarily. 

He didn't realize that Taehyung's eyes were open by then.

"Uh, h-hyung," he slightly stuttered, but stopped when Taehyung leaned in, pressing his lips against his forehead softly.

Jeongguk was in shock at the sudden kiss, as Taehyung pulled back, nudging his nose against his cheeks, his arms pulling him even more closer.

"You're so handsome like this, Ggukie," the elder said, placing another peck on Jeongguk's cheek. 

Jeongguk looked at him, his big eyes shining in happiness---Taehyung found him handsome. The younger giggled slightly, before bringing both of his hands to cup the latter's cheeks, thumb caressing it continuously. 

"You're more handsome," he whispered.

"Lies," he said, pressing his lips on the younger.

Jeongguk almost choked.

"You taste good," Taehyung said, giggling.

Jeongguk looked at him surprised at the remark, before sitting up on the bed, pulling Taehyung onto his lap---the elder slightly yelping at that. 

Jeongguk pulled him closer, laying his head on the elder's shoulder, his arms around the other's torso. Taehyung laughed at that, before hugging him back, caressing his hair locks softly---hoping it'd calm Jeongguk down.

The younger hummed contently, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder.

"I like you so much, hyung," he whispered.

"I like you so much too, Jeonggukie."





Jin shouted in his ear, after minutes of trying and not being able to wake him up. 

"H-Huh?" The maknae asked, opening his eyes abruptly, a loud yawn escaping his mouth, as he brought his hands to cover it immediately.

"You were smiling in your sleep, good dream?" He asked, shaking his head.

"Yeah, hyung," he nodded groggily, as he sat back, leaning against the headboard.

I can only dream, sadly.

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