[P2] Chapter 52 : Read

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May 10, 2019. 


That was what Taehyung felt at that time. 

He wanted to work from the dorm, and since they didn't have much work for which they had to go outside. 

He was in his own home, purposefully avoiding going to the dorm. He knew that, the members were all there, and honestly, he couldn't take it if Jimin just asked out of nowhere. A part of him said that he wouldn't do that, and that he was Jimin, one of the people who understood him the most, but the negative and anxious part always existed. At least, for the past few days.

"You know what? Fuck it, I don't care," he muttered harshly to himself, before getting up from the couch, on which he was lying lazily till now.

Let's do something productive. Yeah, I can do it. And I should distract myself from my thoughts.

"Yeah, that's the right thing," he nodded at the first positive thing he was thinking, in the past days.

He quickly took his phone, before dialing to his boyfriend. He felt like he and Jeongguk hadn't talked much ever since Taehyung lied to him about his parents. The fact that the elder was nervous to talk to him, afraid that he could expose himself, terrified him.

It was the first thing that he was hiding from his boyfriend, the first big thing.

And he was trying not to push Jeongguk away. Right now, all he wanted was to be alone and isolate himself from everyone, as much as he knew how much of a bad decision that was.

Over all of that, Taehyung missed Jeongguk. Taehyung missed the careless relationship they used to have, with no personal problems, Taehyung... missed himself.

His happy self.

"Hello?" Jeongguk's voice distracted him from his mind, thankfully, as a small smile made way to his face, though the younger couldn't see it, "Baby, I thought you would be in the dorm. I miss you," he said, and Taehyung chuckled, as he could literally make out the whiny voice.

"I know, I just need some alone time to myself, so that I can work," Taehyung said softly.

He grew a bit nervous, to receive nothing but silence from the other line, for the first few seconds.

"I understand," the younger whispered, "You know, I'm only a call away. And I'd come there right now, I'm this close to being there, but I'm not going to, since you said you needed some time alone. I-I respect that," he said, remembering that night when Taehyung cried to him in the gym.

Taehyung was almost about to cry once again.

How lucky he was to have this understanding boyfriend.

"Thank you, Ggukie, I mean it," he said, taking a deep sigh, "I'll text you every half an hour, but I think I'm gonna take a bath, eat my breakfast, and... write some lyrics," he informed him, already feeling guilty that he stopped Jeongguk from coming there.

"Working on a new song?" Jeongguk asked interested.

"Yeah," Taehyung chuckled, "I don't have that much of an idea on what I'm gonna do, but let's see."

"Okay, make sure to have food regularly," he reminded, "And I'll be expecting your texts!"

"Of course, Jeongguk-ah," Taehyung said, "I love you."

"I love you too," the other sighed, "Good luck on your song, bye, hyungie."

Taehyung smiled at himself, looking at the mirror, his heart swelling in the overwhelming feeling he was experiencing, before cutting the call. It wasn't the first time they were confessing to each other, maybe it was the sadness speaking.

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