[P2] Chapter 59 : Apologies

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June 18, 2019.

Jeongguk missed having Taehyung in his arms. He just spent the first night in Busan, away from his work life, wanting to spend time with his family, when in reality he just wanted some time for himself. He felt like worrying over Taehyung being distant with him, had him occupied most of his time, that he forgot to take care of himself.

He could understand how hard it would be to open, more than anyone, but he couldn't help but want Taehyung to trust him with his important concerns. After all, he was his boyfriend.

He woke up to an empty bed, with no one beside him, his mind immediately going to two weeks back when Taehyung was right there in between his arms. Staring into nothing for a few seconds, Jeongguk let out a sigh before getting up that morning. 

Jeongguk wanted to do something at that moment, though he wasn't sure whether he was supposed to or not. He let it slide from his brain at the moment, as he entered the bathroom, planning to take a quick shower.

The first thing Jeongguk did after having his breakfast was to call Jimin. Thousands of thoughts invaded his mind, contemplating whether this was a right decision or not, but he was brought back from his trance when Jimin picked up the call from the other side.

"What in the hell were you thinking to suddenly disappear without telling anyone?!" His loud voice was heard by the younger one, causing him to flinch and take his phone away from his ear for a second.

"Hyung, calm down," he sighed, "It's not like I died."

"But Namjoon hyung almost lost his shit, when you just went somewhere and didn't return for two days," Jimin sighed, making Jeongguk a bit guilty, "Anyways, you're in Busan, now?"

"Yeah, I told Tae," he mumbled, "And that's why I called you... I wanted to ask you something," he said, already regretting telling him. Jeongguk didn't know how to make Jimin understand what he was feeling, though little did he know that Jimin already had a clue of what he was talking about.

"Yeah?" Jimin asked.

"Hyung, don't get me wrong or think of me in a wrong way," he hesitated for a few seconds, "But do you know what... what is up with Taehyungie hyung these days?"

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, pretending to be oblivious.

"I mean, is it just me or is Taehyung really distant? I thought of asking him, and he just said that... that it's not because of me, and will never be," Jeongguk sighed, "But that's not what I'm asking!"

"I don't know what you're talking about Jeongguk," the older one muttered from the other side, "But he seems fine to me, we even spent some time together," he lied without thinking, and hell, he shouldn't have said that.

Jeongguk stayed silent at that statement, for a few moments.

"I see," he whispered, "So it's just me. It's just me whom he was ignoring like fuck, not even answering my texts, calls and voicemails for two whole weeks. It's just fucking me whom he didn't even see waiting for him everyday in the dorm till late at night, and just goes somewhere... somewhere!"

Jimin widened his eyes at the maknae, who was suddenly raising his voice, though Jeongguk couldn't see it.

"Now, tell me. What did I do?" He demanded, his voice no longer soft and normal, and honestly, Jimin didn't know how to answer.

"Jeongguk-ah, it's not what you think, can you calm down for a while, please?" He asked softly, and at that time, Jeongguk just wanted to shout with all the anger and sadness he had suppressed inside him.

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