Chapter 40 : Us

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One year later, after the end of Love Yourself World Tour.

April 10, 2019. 

They were in the hotel, after the end of their yet another world tour.

Except that this time, it was a grand hit, with millions of people attending it all around the world.

And it was yet another temporary goodbye.

The tour ended three days before, the group of seven talented men resting for a week in the hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.

Nothing really changed between the two boyfriends, except that they both grew a bit taller and were a bit more mature.

Taehyung was waiting for his boyfriend, with his mask and hat on, a long coat over his normal clothing, in front of the hotel's entrance. He was fiddling with his car keys, anticipating through the night. It was true that they were tired after a world tour, but Jeongguk has planned a surprise for him.

"I can't believe I'm standing here for ten minutes, where the hell is he?" He muttered to himself, a different worry raised, thinking of the ways to escape if someone actually recognized him.

It was only seven pm after all.

He was looking in the streets, partly looking at the amount of vehicles moving, the constant thought of getting caught by his manager or some staff etching in his mind.

But suddenly, he felt someone hugging him from behind, letting a out a small yelp and he turned back with widened eyes, only to see Jeongguk with his eyes crinkled, letting him know that he was smiling behind the mask he was wearing.

Taehyung widened his eyes even more, as he tried to get away from his grip.

"What- What if someone sees us-"

"No, we're not caring about that tonight," Jeongguk immediately said, hugging him tighter, "I've planned so much for you today, and the main goal is... for us to be open."

"Baby, we're going outside-"

"Shh, don't worry about all that hyung," he stopped the elder, "I know what I'm doing."

Taehyung looked at him with a nervous look, still a bit unsure, even after a year.

The past year has been carefree, hectic and nerve-cracking at the same time. They came out to no one except the ones who already knew. Not even their parents, yet. They were not completely ready to accept the outcome, simple. One of the important things they learnt was, never to complicate things and shed tears.

They learnt to know what they want. And they have learnt to stick to it.

"Hyung," Jeongguk called out, pecking the latter's lips softly, his hands still around him. And Taehyung couldn't help but break into a wide smile at that.

Jeongguk always fascinated Taehyung with his methods of flirting or comforting.

He'd give random kisses, while doing random things and oh, how much Taehyung loved that.

"Kay," he whispered, before turning back completely, pulling him into a full kissy kiss. Jeongguk didn't expect that, but didn't object to it either. But just when they were going to get a bit intimate, Jeongguk's phone chimed loudly.

The younger pulled away at that, as he took the phone out, wondering who's text that was.

Jiminie hyung
Don't eat each other 's faces off in the entrance of a damn hotel :)

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