Chapter 3 : Prank

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December 13, 2017.

Jimin and Taehyung sat in front of their systems---where they game. They both came into a conclusion of a penalty for who loses. 

"I'll never lose," Taehyung said, determined, as he put this headphones on. 

"Like I'll lose," Jimin scoffed slightly, getting ready for the game. 

And they started. 

Jin, who just woke up, in the noon, saw the two of them immersed in the game. He silently sat behind them, watching them play seriously. The way they both were playing---it was competitive. 

"It's just a game, why so serious?" He asked, yawning. 

"Hyung, silence," Jimin said, tapping the keys rapidly. 

"There goes my respect," the elder mumbled under his breath. 

"Jimin, why... why are you doing this?" Taehyung asked. "You're playing dirty!"

"We never set any rules," he muttered, smiling, seeing that he was winning. 

"Taehyung!" Jin shouted suddenly. "Don't do that, you'll lose, lose---"

And Taehyung lost. 

Taehyung put his headphones down, turning to Jimin. 

"You cheating ass," he muttered under his breath. 

"When did I cheat?" He asked, dumbfounded. 

"You got help from your teammates! It should be one on one," he said, sighing. "Now, it was technically attacking. You two against me," he said. 

"I never said, we should play alone. Why didn't you ask for your team?" He muttered under his breath, with a teasing smile on his face. 

"Well, at least, I played honest," he said, scoffing. "Unlike someone."

"There were not---"

"If you would've told this before the game, I would've at least played with Jin hyung!"

"Why are you arguing over this simple thing, now?" Jin asked, who was listening to their conversation from the first. 

"We made a bet," Jimin said, smirking a bit. "Those who lose has a penalty."

"So, what's Taehyung gonna do?" Jin asked, eager on what the price was, which made Taehyung whine. 

"Why are you like this? I want justice!"

"Shut up, Tae. You lost," Jimin said, snickering. 


"That's not gonna work," he interrupted suddenly, seeing that Taehyung was going to act cute. "Ignore someone."

Taehyung huffed in defeat. 

"As far as I know, there's no 'someone' here," Taehyung said. "Tell me the name."

"Hoseok hyung?" 

Taehyung shrugged. 

"No no, Jungkook. Ignore Jungkook," Jin said immediately, to which Jimin nodded immediately, knowing that Jungkook and Taehyung were inseparable. 

Taehyung sighed. 

"Okay," he said. 

This is going to be tough. 

He thought to himself. 


Jungkook was returning from his home. He was humming a random tune, as he parked the car in his dorm. During this holiday, the members were eager to visit their family.

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