Bonus o3 : Alone In The Dorm

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I forgot to mention in the last chapter, BUT I won second place once again in the Silver Rose Awards! I can't thank enough!! Love, author. <33

♨️ A hot scene ahead ♨️ (no smut though-)


It definitely had been a rough week for both of them. Coming out as boyfriends to both Taehyung's and Jeongguk's family, had been a rollercoaster of emotions. Besides, their work had been more hectic than before, so overall, it was a very overbearing  and overwhelming week for the couple. 

But it was the weekend, and there they were, finally going to the dorm after days. Though they hadn't really spending time together physically because of the work they got, Taehyung and Jeongguk made sure to connect through through texts, calls and whatnot. 

And that evening, there Taehyung was, in the dorm room, waiting  for Jeongguk to come. Their dormitory was empty then, since all the members were already at work, each and everyone indulged in their solo activities, after completing the group work. But Taehyung and Jeongguk weren't really planning on doing extra work that day, since they were literally deprived of each other.

So, they made sure to complete their mandatory schedules, before meeting each other in the dorm. 

Taehyung, at the moment, was getting slightly restless and mentally whiny, when he saw a message from Jeongguk saying that he'd probably be an hour late or so. Though he received this message roughly half an hour ago, he was still lying on the bed, going through his phone lazily, with a small pout etched across his lips.

He flinched suddenly when he heard the door open, as Jeongguk came in, and before he could even get his sneakers off, Taehyung got up from the couch immediately, engulfing him in a huge hug. 

Jeongguk was shook for a second, at the aggressive hug, as he looked down at Taehyung's face buried in his nape, before letting out a chuckle, and hugging him back just as passionately, lifting Taehyung up swiftly. 

"Hi," the elder one whispered, as he had his hands on the latter's shoulders, holding himself up in his arms, with a shy smile on his face. 

"Hi to you too," Jeongguk cooed, messily kicking off his footwear, before having Taehyung even more tightly against his chest, "Did you get heavy, hyung?" He teased, rubbing their noses together.

"Not really, you're just weak," Taehyung flicked his forehead, as the younger one looked at him with a fake-offended look, "I'm just kidding. I've not been working out for a week because of work."

"I was joking too, you're not heavy," Jeongguk giggled, before sitting down on the couch, with Taehyung's legs around his torso, and his fingers playing with his back hair, "It's been a week since I kissed you, oh god," he muttered under his breath, before attaching their lips together the next second. 

Taehyung gladly responded to the kiss, scooting closer, as he felt Jeongguk gripping his body tighter, and for a second... just for a second, his mind went blank

He forgot his job, his surroundings, his thoughts, everything. The only thing he remembered was Jeongguk. Just Jeongguk and him, and nothing else around. It was as if he left everything beside him, lost everything around him, just for this precious moment with his loved one. Just for Jeongguk

Taehyung felt his heart swell in deep love and adoration, as he shut his eyes close tightly, moving his lips even faster, holding on to Jeongguk like his life depended on it. 

"Slow down, baby, I'm not going anywhere," Jeongguk whispered soothingly, as he placed continuous kisses on his cheeks and jawline, moving his hands up and down his back. 

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