Chapter 24 : Boyfriend

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January 8, 2018.

To say that Jeongguk enjoyed it would be understatement.

He freaking loved every second of it.

It was as if Taehyung looked into each and every detail all throughout the date. Having an awesome dinner, watching an incredible movie apt to both of their tastes, a bit of drinks in the end, and there came the cuddle session. Gaming for a while, drowning in Overwatch, it was the perfect date for both of them. Having same tastes had its perks. 

And the talk they had, he was amazed about the thoughts in Taehyung's mind. They spent a lot of time clearing up their newfound relationship, the confession, inner thoughts and all. And that was the moment he realized how much Taehyung---thinks. It amazed him, it was as if he observed each and every detail without others knowing. 

Currently, he was staring at the other's sleeping face, neither wanting to side the curtains, nor wanting to wake him up. 

It was morning already, work again---practice, recording, shooting, the same old. And the date passed like it was just for a second. Though Jeongguk cherished it with everything he had. He sighed contently, looking at the ethereal face, with his eyes closed, his soft skin glowing slightly at the peak of sunlight entering the room.

What kind of relationship scenario is this?

He thought, chuckled at his own cheesy thoughts, as he leaned it placing a soft kiss on the latter forehead. Jeongguk always loved kissing Taehyung's forehead. And he knew the elder loved it too, likewise. 

"Good morning," he heard a faint whisper, as he pulled back only to meet the other mumbling with his eyes still half closed.

Jeongguk smile widen, small crinkles forming in the side of both of his eyes, as he lied back on Taehyung's arm. He sighed once again, happily, just wanting to be like this forever. Not... forever, at least a bit longer than one night.

"Good morning, hyung," he said, softly, as he turned towards him. 

"Did you enjoy?" The elder asked groggily, "Yesterday's date?" 

The younger leaned in, capturing his lips immediately, telling the answer without... really telling it. Taehyung yelped slightly, feeling awake all of a sudden, as he pushed the younger as his back hit the bed softly, the other hovering on top of him immediately. 

Jeongguk let out an appreciative hum, Taehyung's chest beaming in pride at that, as he felt the younger wrap his arms around his neck, pulling him closer. And damn, that action drove Taehyung crazy. He couldn't get enough of him, he just couldn't. Nobody knew, not even he himself, knew why he was smitten for Jeongguk, he just was.

And he wasn't complaining.

Taehyung pulled away in a swift motion, wanting to breath, the hot air hitting Jeongguk's face immediately. The younger giggled at that softly, feeling giddy, after the intense make-out. 

"What an awesome way to wake up," Taehyung muttered, his deep voice travelling in the hot atmosphere, as both of laughed at that.

"Indeed," Jeongguk agreed without a doubt, his whole heart overwhelming with love and pleasure, "Hyung, can I ask you something?" He asked, before Taehyung could get off him, as he cupped the elder's cheeks, looking up to him, his doe eyes glistening with adoration---Taehyung could literally feel he love radiating off him.

"Sure, Gguk," he said, showing his infamous yet gorgeous boxy smile, melting Jeongguk for the umpteenth time.

"Can you---Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked, his voice coming out a bit smaller than expected, though he didn't tear off his gaze from the elder.

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