Chapter 11 : Drunk

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December 23, 2017.

It was the normal Saturday—even for Bangtan. Probably one of their busiest days. Waking up early in the morning, having some light food as their breakfast, heading straight to their studio, completing their individual schedules and the group ones—that Saturday was their busiest, in the day time.

So, the first time Jeongguk did when he woke up after yet another dream of him and Taehyung being lovely dovely—he took a quick shower, before going to the company. 

He really couldn't wait to get back to the dorm that evening—after work.

Maybe because that was their night. Bangtan's enjoyment night. Since the next day, Sunday, the first half would be free, all seven usually stayed up all night and talk, or play or watch movies—just the fun stuff.

It was something they do at least twice a month.

With their busy schedules, it really helped them in not losing their contact with each other—it brought them even more closer.

Maybe a part of him was oddly excited for today's evening, more than anytime before—he didn't know why. 

"Taehyungie hyung will be there," he whispered to himself, an automatic smile creeping his lips.

"Where?" He heard a sudden voice question him, startling the hell out of him—Taehyung was standing there in his studio, with his hands folded.

"You scared me, hyung," he said, looking at him bewildered, whereas Taehyung just shrugged.

"So, were you talking about me to yourself...?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows suddenly.

Shit, don't do that. You're too hot already.

Jeongguk thought, getting occupied by the look in front of his. Taehyung never wore jean, but when he did—freaking hell. Jeongguk's eyes immediately traveled up and down before he could control himself, loving how handsome and... suave he looked.

Maybe a bit cute too.

No, he was damn cute. 

Taehyung was hella cute in Jeongguk's eyes—even when he was the elder. The maknae didn't care about that, he was still cute.

"Done staring at me?" Taehyung voice interrupted his thoughts again, as Jeongguk suddenly shut his eyes tightly, mentally cursing himself for almost losing control—and exposing himself.

"Sorry, hyung," he muttered, "And for your question earlier, no reason. I'm just excited for our night today."

Taehyung hummed, nodding his head, as he looked around.

"I'm telling you this at least thousand times, but clean your studio," he said, to which Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah."

"Also!" Taehyung exclaimed, as if he remembered something, "We are having a drink tonight, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung were discussing about it—you know, a drinking night."

Drinking night?


The living room was a chaos. 

Yoongi and Jimin were bickering again playfully, on who would get the alcohol from the refrigerator—Jin cracking jokes now and then, with Hoseok laughing at them, Namjoon yawning slightly, probably tired from all the day's work, Jeongguk sitting on the couch beside Yoongi, looking so done.

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