[P2] Chapter 51 : Intrusion

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Warning : Some homophobic slurs, and mentions of mental issues.

May 9, 2019. 

Jimin was staying up late that night, trying to complete off some of his works. He was staying in the dorm that night, and as far as he knew, he was the only one who was there. Not that he was stressing himself or something, he just wanted to keep himself free of his own schedule the next day, so that he could be engaged in group activities more. 

Of course, the work for the next album, which was tentatively said to be released in the early 2020 has started, though it wasn't full fledged yet. 

Jimin just wanted to get himself ready for it. 

It was almost midnight, when Jimin almost completed his work, with only a little remaining, as he decided to take a small break. He really did want to lie down, but something in him told that he'd fall asleep immediately, and he certainly didn't want that.

Sighing slightly, he got up from his chair, before leaving his room, closing the door behind him. A small yawn left his mouth, as he went towards the kitchen, to see if there was something like a midnight snack for him to eat. 

Jimin was not really a person to stay up too late in the night, but exceptions occurred now and then. 

"Wow," he whispered, groggily, looking at the almost empty fridge, "My luck, just when I'm hungry."

He sighed once again, before talking out the cold water bottle, intaking some of it. Sitting in the dining room, he rubbed his eyes, going through his phone, more like, lazily scrolling through the news feed.

Before Jimin could even expect what was going to happen, or what was happening upstairs, he suddenly heard something drop on the floor, somewhere in the house. He immediately had a frown in his face, as he quickly switched off his phone, before looking around in the dark, on what dropped.


Everything in the living room was in their original places.

Without really thinking about it much, he went upstairs to see if someone broke into their apartment, or something knocked off because of the wind due to an open window or something. Anything.

As he went up the stairs, he noticed that one of the room's doors was not closed. It was not fully opened either, just a small gap in between, just enough for Jimin to see who was inside.

"Taehyungie?" He whispered to himself, noticing that someone was sitting down near the bed, leaning against it, in Taehyung's room.

But I thought I was the only one here.

He thought, as he tried to push open the door, but before he could do that, he was halted in his tracks, when he heard that heart wrenching cry from the inside. 

Jimin widened his eyes in shock, as he slightly opened the door, making sure to not produce any noise, or let himself shown, and what he saw there, was nowhere what he expected. 

Taehyung was holding his hair down to his lap, with his legs held up to his chest closely, as he was shaking all over. His toes were curling on the nothing but the cold floor, while small whimpers and incoherent sounds left his mouth.

Jimin was too shocked to even move, from where he was standing. He was petrified.

"I don't l-like this," Taehyung whispered to himself hoarsely, "I don't... someone save me, someone, a-anyone," he said, a cry leaving his mouth the next moment.

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