Bonus o2 : The Next Step Of Their Relationship

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It was almost like Taehyung and Jeongguk never wanted to leave the resort. Like forever. 

But there they were, driving their way back to the dorm, to meet with the members first, before actually going to their houses for taking a rest. Taehyung was driving, after checking out from the resort, early in the morning, but when he looked at his right side, only to see Jeongguk gazing outside the window, deep in thought. 

"What are you thinking, love?" Taehyung asked, placing his hands on his left thigh, caressing it softly. 

"I did something while we were fighting with each other," Jeongguk suddenly blurted out, as  the latter raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You know, when you stood up on me for the first time." 

"I don't really thinking about it, but what did you do?" He asked, sighed.

"No, I'm not trying to guilt trip you, I really did something," Jeongguk said hurriedly, worried that he might take it in the wrong way, as he held his hand on his thigh immediately, "It's just, I wanted to talk to someone at that time. I was going to call Jimin hyung and rant, but he was joking about how he was stuck between the two of us earlier that night, and I didn't want to disturb him-"

"You know he would've been there for you, right?" Taehyung questioned, his voice suddenly turning soft, "You're like his younger brother."

"What do you mean, like? I am his younger brother. But that's not the point here," Jeongguk almost whined, at the amount of interruptions he was getting.

"Alright, alright. Continue." 

"I called my mom," he uttered, subconsciously tightening his hold on his hand.

"Oh," Taehyung whispered, obviously taken aback by this, "So, did you tell her about us or...?" 

"I-I did," he mumbled, looking down, "I'm sorry! I was crying too much, and you know I'm the worst liar in the world, I couldn't think of any other excuse. I'm really sorry-"

"Hey hey, calm down," Taehyung said, cutting him off, "Wait a minute, Jeongguk, let's talk about this properly," he muttered under his breath, as he tried to side his car in the highway. 

Hearing Taehyung call his full name, Jeongguk pouted even more, thinking that he was going to have one hell of a scolding from the elder one. He didn't want to see Taehyung angry, and especially not at him. 

"So, what did she say to that?" Taehyung asked, once they were at the side of the almost empty road, "No, first of all, what did you even say to her? Like, how?" 

"I-I was crying when she picked the call, and... and asked me to take deep breaths and calm down first," he said, his voice suddenly cracking in nervousness, and that was when Taehyung realized that the younger one was scared that something might happen. 

His heart almost broke at that thought, as he cupped the younger one's face suddenly, before pecking all over his face, leaving soft smooches. Jeongguk blinked at those sudden kisses, as he looked at the elder one with confusion, as he pulled away. 

"Don't be nervous or scared, baby. I'm here for you, okay?" He asked, "I'm not mad at you for telling your mother, I just want to know what really happened." 

"That's- That's a relief," Jeongguk breathed out, "It's just that- I did it without asking anything to you-"

"And it's okay," Taehyung smiled, "I'm completely fine."

"Great," Jeongguk said, finally smiling a bit, "So I called her, and cried to her. She comforted me, of course. And then, when she asked the reason, I tried to... come up with an excuse but she didn't buy it." 

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