Chapter 9 : Safe Place

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Double update, please read chapter 8 if you haven't ♡♡

December 19, 2017.

It was an easy day for the members.

Their schedules were mostly free---only some dance practice and recording in the later part of the day, making everyone to chill at the dorm since morning.

Everyone was seated on the couch, having some light breakfast, at the same time chatting---but all were there, except Jeongguk. One, because he slept it, two, because Taehyung was there.

"Jiminie," Taehyung slowly called him, earning a hum from the other, "Jeongguk still haven't come out."

"He will, Tae... he's probably asleep---oh there he is," he said, motioning upward, as Jeongguk walked towards the kitchen, ruffling his wet hair.

Taehyung gulped slightly. 

"Yaa, Jeongguk-ah. Get me some ketchup when you come," Jimin called out.

"Lazy grandma," Yoongi said.

"Look who's talking grandpa."

Taehyung shook his head at the two.

"Go, now's your chance, talk to him," Jimin whispered to which Taehyung nodded immediately, getting up, heading towards the kitchen.

Taehyung entered where Jeongguk was, hoping he would talk to him. And this time, Taehyung was nervous to start a conversation with the maknae. He never got angry at him, let alone shout.


He called out, but Jeongguk turned his back grabbing what Jimin asked before leaving the kitchen, not even acknowledging the elder.

He experience a sharp tug in his body, soon all throughout him---as his hand were left hanging in the air. He looked down, wetting his lips slightly, regretting his actions, as he went back to the living room.

On the other hand, Jeongguk wanted to ignore him---not wanting his feelings to grow. Not at all. He knew that he'd restless even with not talking with him, but if it makes him forget his stupid feelings, then be it.

He can't like a guy. That too a bandmate, that too one of the hyungs. And definitely not Taehyung.

"What's wrong, Tae?" Hoseok asked.

"Nothing's wrong, why would you think that, hyung?" Taehyung shrugged casually, masking his sad face.

He subtly looked at the younger, Jeongguk not even looking at him.

Sighing, he went to sit near him---hoping to get him talk to him. 

"Jeongguk," he whispered slightly, landing next to him on the couch---the younger immediately got up going towards Jin.

Taehyung looked down once again---and Jimin noticed that.


"Not now, please," he cut him off, as he went towards Jin hyung, hoping that talking to him would gain his attention.

"Jin hyung, can I have a bite?" He asked, putting an arm over Jeongguk's shoulder.

"Go away," he said, playfully---but before Taehyung could laugh at that, Jeongguk immediately moved away abruptly leaving Taehyung's arm hanging in the air without balance. Again.

He couldn't take it, he couldn't stand Jeongguk ignoring him, like he didn't even see him in the first place. 

Losing the mood, Taehyung sighed. Taking a deep breath, he turned around---facing Jeongguk's back.

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