[P2] Chapter 43 : Fear

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April 20, 2019.

There was a heavy feeling in his chest, some feeling unknown. It was true that this day was a bit free than yesterday, and he had almost most of the day off, except a few promotional activities, but still, there was a constant lump in his chest that he couldn't ignore.

He woke up to see Jeongguk still sleeping peacefully. He sighed softly, thankful that at least his boyfriend had a good time sleeping, cuddling him. Leaning in slightly, he placed a small kiss on his forehead, before moving out of the bed, letting out a tired yawn. 

He didn't even think much when he looked at himself through the mirror, as he simply rinsed his face with the cold water, waking up him even more, as if he had the perfect sleep last night. Sighing once more, he did his morning chores lazily and tiredly, as if all his energy is drained down. 

He was about to go and see Jeongguk once again, whether he woke up or not, because honestly he could use some cuddles and kisses, but he was rudely interrupted by his stomach growling in hunger.

His lips pressed together in a thin line, he made his way towards the kitchen to have something which was in the refrigerator already. But there was nothing except some beers and chips, a few vegetables, and raw meat, which he had no intention of having. 

"I don't even know how to cook," he murmured to himself, taking another look inside the fridge, before taking the packet of chips out, planning to intake that, at least. 

Not a second later, he was munching the not-really-crispy chips, with a yawn leaving him once in every few minutes. 

"Baby," he heard a familiar voice call him, as he turned to his left, only to witness Jeongguk coming out rubbing his eyes. 

Taehyung immediately put on a smile, more like it just erupted without much effort. It was a real smile, indeed, but it was a bit strained and tired. Jeongguk yawned one more time, before looking at the elder one with squinting his eyes. And when he looked at the condition of him, he widened his eyes slightly, blinking in shock.

"What's wrong with your face?" He blurted out, wondering why Taehyung would look this energy-drained, after hours of sleep.

Not to mention that both of them woke up really late in the morning. 

"Why? Is there something weird?" Taehyung questioned immediately, both his palms going to his face, touching it to feel what was Jeongguk talking about.

The younger one shook his head.

"No, no. There is nothing on your face... but why do you look so tired?" He asked, moving towards him rapidly, cupping the elder's face, "Didn't you get sleep last night?" 

"Not really," Taehyung sighed, leaning his face against Jeongguk's hands, making the maknae blink in surprise.

"But I even cuddled you throughout the night so that you can sleep," he stated, thumping his shoulders down in slight disappointment, sad that his boyfriend hadn't slept all night.

"Trust me, that's the only nice thing that happened in the night," he said, yawning right after, before moving away from the latter, and taking a seat on the dining room, letting his head hit the table right after. 

Jeongguk looked at the elder one worriedly, as he sat beside him, too see Taehyung just lying his head, with closed eyes. His whole complex looked tired and with no energy left, his lips were so dry, and he was... overall, not good. 

The younger sighed, as he held the other's hand, making Taehyung look at him.

"Let's go to the couch, come on," he said, giving a small smile. 

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