Chapter 36 : Weird

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I just now realized that I published 37th chapter, without 36th. 

Kill me :D







February 20, 2018.

A week had passed and to say that Taehyung and Jeongguk were busy would be understatement. And they weren't busy with their own lives this time, they were busier than ever... with each other. 

Sticking to each other like glue, the only time where they didn't talk to each other was they were filming something, or when they went out for interview or some other sort. 

"Stop it," he whined slightly, trying to get away from his boyfriend, only causing for Taehyung to pull back the younger into his arms, stealing ticklish touches here and there.

They were currently lying on the couch, both completing their schedule that day too quick, quicker than usual, only to come home and to spend time with each other. It was pretty admirable how they balance between their relationship and work, for the past week.

Though they didn't know that they were missing one important thing.

"I just love tickling you, baby," he chuckled, before stopping for real, just admiring his boyfriend. 

"Uh huh," Jeongguk muttered.

"Yeah," Taehyung said, "Oh and, I was meaning to tell you this. The lyrics for the song is ready. Namjoon hyung helped me."

(^song : released on Jan 18, 2018. Me : Not here 🗿)

"Oh, yeah?" Jeongguk asked immediately, his interest getting him. 

"It's called Hold Me Tight. I think... the recording will probably start in two days? If everything goes well and the lyrics is approved, then yeah," he said, flowing his fingers through Jeongguk's hairlocks.

"Wait, it's a group song?" Jeongguk asked surprised, "I thought it was gonna be solo!"

"It isn't. I'm just producing and composing the music," he said, laughing slightly, "Besides, I don't have time to prepare for a solo song right now. We also have a tour at the end of this year after we release our new album, right?"

"I'm so excited," Jeongguk beamed.

"Me too, bunny," he cooed, before pressing their lips together suddenly before pulling away. 

"What was that for?" Jeongguk frowned, suddenly forgetting the fact that he was being called bunny by the latter.

"Just because," he said, kissing once again. 

Jeongguk knitted his eyebrows together playfully, before getting up once he felt like his stomach was growling in hunger.

"I really completed everything soon today, and now I feel bored because I don't know what to do," he commented, as he opened a packed sandwich from the refrigerator, "This is when I'd be arguing with Jimin hyung usually."


"Yeah, I'd... want to stop here or your studio real quick and he wouldn't allow for that, since he was afraid I'd be distracted and stay with you, without doing my work," he laughed, shaking his head, "I'm pretty sure I'd have done that, if it wasn't for Jimin hyung. You're just... really tempting and I hate it sometimes."

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