Chapter 29 : Lie

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January 17, 2018.

"Tae, can I talk to you?"

That was the first thing Jimin asked that night, the moment Taehyung entered downstairs from the rooftop, spending time with Jeongguk. Taehyung looked at his boyfriend at that, who just shrugged back eyeing both of the hyungs.

"Alone, please," he insisted, to which Taehyung nodded, before looking at Jeongguk one more time, and entering Jimin's room, following him.

Jeongguk looked at his hyungs disappear into a room, shrugging mentally again before going towards his room, not really minding it—because he knew that Taehyung would come to him after doing... whatever Jimin had called for.

It was one of their date nights.

Smiling at the thought of that, wanting to spend some time with his boyfriend, without overthinking, shedding tears, worrying about the others, just... them and only them.

It has been a few days since they had time like that, and Jeongguk was genuinely excited for it. More like, he yearned for it. 

On the other hand, Taehyung was a bit confused, because the first thing Jimin did was lock the doors before engulfing the other in a tight hug. Setting aside the fact that he was a bit surprised and caught off guard, the younger sighed heavily, before hugging his best friend. 

It was as if it has been ages since he had this tight hug from Jimin, and he didn't realize how much he missed it. A small smile made way to his face, as he felt the other rub his hands on his back up and down. 

Jimin pulled away slowly, holding the other by his shoulders, straightening his shirt slightly, before smiling at him, filled with fondness.

Taehyung wanted to ask what was the matter, but he couldn't help but smile back at him, with a hint of guiltiness inside him thinking that he neglected him. 

"I just wanted to talk to you about a lot of things," Jimin said, a bit too enthusiastically, "Like, everything. It's been a while since we last spent time together, and we both have a lot of catch on."

Taehyung nodded, letting out a small laugh, before taking a seat beside the latter on his bed, as Jimin just laid on it lazily letting out a yawn.

"Well for first, I'm producing my own song soon," he said, facing him---only to be met with a wide-eyed Jimin.

"This is not real, right?" 

"You sound like you don't want to me---"

"What the hell, Tae?! I'm the first one to be happy for you! I'm really... surprised," Jimin said, whispering the last part, "Damn, all the best Tae. I'm going to love it," he stated in a sing-song tone, making Taehyung laugh again. 

"Thanks, I need the luck," he said, taking a deep breath. 

"By the way, you're going to have a long night today? I'm lowkey sleepy but I don't wanna sleep," Jimin mumbled. 

"Oh, I have a date with my boyfriend," the latter said, with a teasing smile on his face, "I don't know what kind though, we'll probably just cuddle and sleep."

"Wow, date every night?" The elder asked, shaking his head.

"Yeah, keep dreaming," Taehyung scoffed playfully, "You think we would have the time go on a date daily, we haven't been out for any date actually. Just in our dorm. And it's not enough! I'm deprived of Jeongguk!"

"Yeah yeah," Jimin muttered, "I'm hearing Gguk's blabbering all day, and now you. I deserve this and even more," he said in a sarcastic manner, pursing his lips together. 

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