Chapter 30 : Perfectly Well

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January 20, 2018.

The environment was awfully silent, the moment Jungkook said those words. Taehyung simply looked down, not wanting to see their reactions, whereas Jungkook was nervously watching them. 

Jin blinked a few times.

"You're... what?" Yoongi asked, his face twitching a bit, and Jimin knew this wasn't going to end well. 

Taehyung's face became emotionless just by hearing the mere voice of Yoongi. He seemed... disapproving. Jungkook sensed it too, as he tightened his grip around his boyfriend's hands. 

"We're dating," Jungkook said, looking into Yoongi's eyes directly.


Jungkook looked at Jimin subtly, who was sitting in front of him, with a nervous look. A look that told 'I think we're not accepted'. 

Jimin gave him a steady look, assuring him that everything will be fine. Nodding slightly, bracing himself, he turned to other hyungs, patiently anticipating on what had to say. 

"Congrats?" Hoseok said, a bit questioningly, trying to lose up the tension in the air. 

Taehyung became teary. Jungkook noticed that, as he traced small circles with his thumb on the back of the elder's hands, which made Taehyung take a deep breath. 

Jin, sitting opposite to Taehyung, smiled a bit. 

"Tae," he called out slowly, looking down to meet his eyes. But Taehyung wouldn't even lift his head, he was too scared and... ashamed. 

"Hyung, we'll be back in a minute," the maknae said, as he stood up and grabbed Taehyung's hand. Not letting the elder do anything nor ask anything, Jungkook pulled him towards his room. 

He hastily opened the door, before getting in with Taehyung and closing it immediately. 

Taehyung still looked down, his lips quivering, as he gulped. 

"You were lying when you said you were ready," the younger stated, to which Taehyung lifted his head, "You aren't."

The elder didn't oppose the statement. Because it was true. He wasn't. 

Jungkook sighed, as he rubbed his forehead slowly, turning his back towards the elder. He didn't know what to do, they both just came out when his boyfriend didn't even reach that state. 

"Jungkookie," Taehyung whispered, "Please don't be mad at me."

The maknae widened his eyes at the sudden statement, as he turned his back to see Taehyung looking at him nervously. 

"No, no, I'm not mad at you," he said hurriedly, as tears started to flow from the elder's eyes slowly. 

Jungkook immediately wiped it away, before wrapping his boyfriend in embrace. The elder hugged back eventually, slightly sniffling. 

"I just felt so bad, that you didn't come out even when you're ready and it's because of me," Taehyung mumbled softly, where half of the words were drowned near Jungkook's neck. Still the younger heard it perfectly. 

He pulled away from the hug, before cupping his face. 

"I'm not mad at you for not being ready, hyung. I understand that more than anyone," he said, pecking his forehead slightly, "Don't feel bad about me, because I'm willing to wait for you," he continued, kissing his nose, "And now that we told them, we're going to get through it perfectly well," he completed, by pecking his lips lastly. 

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