[P2] Chapter 61 : Tears

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June 19, 2019.

Jeongguk couldn't control his tears. He didn't even know why he was crying, because Taehyung stood him up and his efforts because, or because he was mad himself for shouting and pushing Taehyung away from him.

He still didn't get up from his bed, though it was hours after the sun rose. Jeongguk did have work to complete, but what would he do when he was just so dejected and done for? Jeongguk wanted to talk to someone and gather his thoughts at that moment, to prevent himself from being guilty that he already was, by overthinking shit.

Jeongguk knew that he couldn't take Taehyung ignoring him, and maybe he was dramatic, maybe he wasn't, but standing up on him was something that Jeongguk couldn't even dream of. But he knew that he shouldn't have pushed his boyfriend like that, and stormed away from the dormitory.

The maknae didn't waste much time on his bed doing nothing after that, as he got up half-heartedly, since he had to at some point. Just because there was a problem in his relationship doesn't mean that he should slack off from his work.

Though, his tears didn't know that.

Jeongguk was hiccupping all the way to his phone, his sight getting more and more blurry. When he took a look at himself in the mirror, both of his eyes were swollen and bloodshot, which wasn't a sight that Jeongguk was used to.

He cursed at himself out loud, before taking his phone from the table, wanting to call someone and rant out, and just... to guide him on what he was supposed to do. This was the first pretty major fight he had with Taehyung since they got together, and Jeongguk was simply lost.

His finger lingered on Jimin's contact, so close to calling him, but something in him decided for the opposite, especially when Jimin said that he was literally stuck between the two, and he felt like he needed to choose sides. Jeongguk didn't want to bother Jimin yet again.

Another cry left his mouth helplessly, without even knowing himself. He hurriedly went through the contacts, and before anything, his eyes fell on one.


"Should I?" He whispered to himself.

Jeongguk felt the pain in his heart, the result of hurting his loved one, the pain of being helpless and lost. When the realization sank in that he hurt not only himself but also his boyfriend, he didn't think twice before tapping on the contact, trying hard not to break down loudly. It was particularly unusual, since Jeongguk was always so collective of his thoughts. He didn't let himself get upset very easily, even if he did, he'd get over it quickly.

But this time, he just couldn't forgive himself.

Jeongguk was so focused on crying and letting out small whimpers, that he didn't realize that his mother had already picked up the call.

"Gguk?" She answered, and hearing the sweet voice, Jeongguk couldn't help himself as he closed his mouth, swallowing a loud hiccup.

But she noticed it, of course.

"Jeongguk? Are you crying?" She asked the obvious, and that was when a small whimper left him, "Oh god, Gguk. What's wrong, honey?"

"Mom," he whispered, trying to tell something but failing miserably, as he sniffled once again, words simply getting stuck in his throat.

His mother, obviously, panicked.

"Okay, honey, listen to me. Deep breaths, okay? Deep breaths," she said from the other line, making her voice softer than it already was, "I want you to take a deep breath, so that we can talk to each other."

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