Chapter 7 : Google

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December 17, 2017.

Taehyung was in front of Jeongguk, with his mouth stuffed with his lunch, his cheeks hollowed on one of his sides cutely.

After listening to Taehyung's song, the first thing they did was go to the dorm and cook some lunch. Well, they were planning to eat outside until Jin called Jeongguk and asked them to eat at home politely. Having no other choice, that's what they did. 

"Jeongguk-ah," Taehyung called suddenly, catching Jeongguk by surprise, "Okay, first of all, why are you so surprised, it's just me... and second of all, why are shaking your legs rapidly? You only do that when you're nervous."

Sometimes, Jeongguk hated that Taehyung knew him too much. And that sometimes are times like these.

"Nothing hyung," he said, in a low voice, looking down.

Taehyung sighed.

"I really don't want to force you, but don't you dare tell that you miss army, because that excuse is not gonna work anything," he said, having a bite from his sandwich. 

Jeongguk nodded---praying that his heartbeat shouldn't be heard outside.

"Here, have it," he said, handing him the sandwich that he just bit.

"W-Why?" Jeongguk asked, looking at the bread wide eyed. 

That was the bread hyung ate from---does that mean we kiss indirectly?
....Wait, I wonder how hyung's lips taste like---for banana milk's sake, shut up!

"What do you mean why? We always share food," Taehyung said, frowning.

"Yeah, we do, don't we?" The younger said, laughing nervously right after, before grabbing the bread from the other's hand, taking a bite from it.

I wanna die---oh god, what's wrong with me?


God no, don't call me that---my heart is in danger already.

"Okay, now I know there's something wrong," Taehyung demanded, folding his arms, his eyes firmly on the younger.

"Uh... you see---"

"Jeonggukie, have you ate---or you're eating," Jimin said, entering the dining room, sitting beside Taehyung, as he helped himself with a toast. 

Jimin hyung, you'll live for thousand years happily. I'll pray, may god bless you.

Taehyung sighed. He wanted to ask further then and there, but seeing how hesitant Jeongguk was to talk to him about whatever that bothering him, he decided otherwise. 

"I'm telling you, Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung are teaming against me just to dis me," Jimin said, scoffing playfully, "They keep saying that I'm short, when Yoongi hyung is just 1 cm taller than me! Does that even make sense?" He asked again, taking an aggressive bite.

"But you are short, hyung," Jeongguk said, snickering slightly.

"Muscle pig," he scoffed.

"Oh yeah, his muscles went really strong these days," Taehyung said, as he reached over poking his biceps slightly, loving the feeling.

"Oooh," he exclaimed before squishing it between his fingers. 

Jeongguk laughed out his nervousness, praying to every god that he shouldn't sound awkward. It wasn't the first time Taehyung had done that, but this indeed was the first time where Jeongguk was nervous.

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