Chapter 4 : Mad?

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December 14, 2017.

Their last day. Their last day of break, their last free day before they start working on their next album. It was almost unbelievable---it was only four days after their world tour and their break was already over, nearly. Not that they were complaining, though.

There he was Jeongguk, peacefully sleeping till noon---with Hoseok looking at him, wondering how to wake him up for lunch.

"Jeongguk-ah~" he called again for the umpteenth time. "You really need to wake up now."

Jeongguk just hummed in response, groggily.

"You're not hungry? It's almost three in the noon," he asked, pulling the bed sheets aside hastily.

"No, I'm not," the younger said---and the next second, his stomach made the biggest growl, in hunger. His head snapped up at his own stomach, with frowned eyes, his gaze set somewhere. "I guess I am hungry," he mumbled before dropping his head into the pillow again.

"That's what I am saying," the elder said, laughing slightly. "I should go wake up Jimin and Tae, too."

"V hyung is asleep too?" He asked, slowly sitting up.

"Yeah, and Jimin too," Hoseok said, absent mindedly, which caused Jeongguk clear his throat slightly, going unheard by the other.

"Yeah, Jimin hyung too," he said.

"I'll go now, hurry up," that was the last thing Hoseok said, before leaving Jeongguk's room.

The maknae yawned covering his mouth, as he tried to get up slowly and to be honest, it felt like the bed was grabbing him back and telling him to sleep but his stomach was asking for food. (Honestly, that's me every time)

Sighing, he lifted himself from the bed, before washing his face thoroughly. And his mind was filled with thoughts during.

Maybe he was over thinking.

But never in his life, he wanted to feel what he felt yesterday, again. It was as if he did something wrong and he didn't even what it was, and his closest person wouldn't just stop ignoring him.

That too, that person with whom he literally spent his every second with.

Okay, not every second, maybe he was exaggerating.

"Don't think about that, it's just a prank, nothing else," he told to himself, while drying his face.

Exactly! It's just a prank, why are you so worked up? Just let it go, it wasn't like Taehyung really stopped talking to you.

His inner voice echoed in his mind, saying the same words as him, yet sounding contradicting.

"Well, that's a relief now," he muttered, thinking about the part where Taehyung hadn't really stopped talking to him fully.

Why would he?! Stop over thinking, idiot. He's your hyung, for heaven's sake. Stop acting like a teenage girl in crush.

Jeongguk facepalmed himself at his own thoughts.

"I've really gone crazy, save me," he muttered, as he went inside his washroom for a quick shower.


"I got a call from the manager," Namjoon said, as Jeongguk was the last one to join them for lunch. "It's about the next album. We have a meeting today evening."

"Evening?" Hoseok asked, gulping down the water. "We have to go right after lunch," he said to which Namjoon hummed.

The hyungs were talking, just like that---and Jeongguk tried to pay attention, he really did.

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