Chapter 39 : Manly

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February 25, 2018.

"I don't think you should worry about coming out to everyone now," Namjoon said, as all the seven of them were seated in the dining room that night, after their works, having their dinner.

Taehyung and Jeongguk looked up confused at that. 

Shouldn't that be the other way round? Coming out was... something that was in the highest level they'd achieve, and shouldn't that matter?

"I'm not saying just because of the negative response we're going to receive, I mean, that is one of the most important reasons as to why I'm saying this too, but... The main reason... thinking about the same thing over and over again, expecting it keenly on something that was never going to happen... is that really needed now?"

Jeongguk blinked.

"Hyung, how can you say that it's never going to happen-"

Taehyung started but the leader cut him off immediately. 

"I meant that in the short time planning. Just think about it, Tae. Setting aside the hate we'll get, because that doesn't matter... but... it's illegal," he said softly, hoping that the other would understand, and that word, the word illegal made Taehyung shut up.

Love was considered illegal, yes, that's the cruel world we live in.

"It's hard, I know. But what I'm saying is, to take this in a positive way," he said.

"That's true," Jin continued, "Don't let what others tell get to you, be happy, focus on your job because that's important for now... and you still have each other and you love each other."

"Yeah, don't let it get to you in a bad way. Instead of thinking each other as distraction to work, make them your strength," Namjoon encouraged, looking at the maknaes, who were both deep in thought, contemplating the words they were hearing, "As of coming out, we'll deal with that... when the situation comes."

"We'll talk on that and get back to you."




Jeongguk was drowning in his kisses. 

Literally, not even joking.

Taehyung made Jeongguk lay on his bed, as he crawled on top of him, before pushing him to bed, and kissing all over his face. Jeongguk didn't even have time to react to whatever which was happening there, but all he knew was... hell, how much he was loving this. Small giggles and breaths leaving the elder, he cupped the other's face, and cuddling himself closer towards his boyfriend.

Jeongguk perked his lips together, hoping to get a kiss there, but Taehyung, being the sly tease he was, missing his perky lips knowingly, kissing all the way up his jawline and cheeks. The younger let out a small scoff in disbelief, as he felt soft kisses on his face.

Trying not to roll his eyes, at how teasing the elder was being, he suddenly held the other in his arms, before flipping their positions, with him on top of Taehyung.

"I want to kiss you properly," Jeongguk whispered, and not waiting for the other to respond or do whatsoever, he slammed their lips together, capturing the other's bottom lip in his before moving his lips in a rapid place.

It was one hell of a passionate kiss, as Taehyung one hand roamed underneath Jeongguk's shirt, and his other hand combing the black hairlocks of his boyfriend. Both of their eyes were closed, as Jeongguk wrapped his arms fully around the elder's waist, their chests colliding with each other. 

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