[P2] Chapter 47 : Acceptance

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April 28, 2019.

It was about time he did that. It was something that was in his mind for a long time now, and he wasn't going to procrastinate any longer. 

He was finally going to let his family know that he wasn't straight, and he didn't like girls like they thought he would. Not that they were pressuring him to get a girlfriend or something, he just felt guilty for not letting his loved ones know, even when he was fully ready to show his real self outside. 

Since his family was planning to move to their hometown for a few weeks the next day, Jeongguk figured it was the best he said it now.

And there he was, just about to leave from his home, while his boyfriend was being a bit nervous than himself, sitting beside him inside the car.

"Don't worry, I'll drop you at the company and then-"

"I'm not worried about that!" Taehyung exclaimed, "You're now going to... come out- Jeongguk, why not come out together? Like the both of us, to your parents."

Jeongguk looked taken aback by that question.

"No, we'll do that someday," he refused immediately.

"Why?" The elder said, unable to cover the pout in his face, "Do you not like-"

"What? No, I didn't mean it like that," he sighed, "I just don't want to force you into anything, that you're not comfortable or not sure of. And besides, I don't know how well my parents are gonna take this information, and I don't want to reveal that I'm already in a relationship with a guy, at the same time."

Taehyung stared into nothing, before taking a deep breath and nodding his head.

"You're right, they'd be overwhelmed."

"Exactly, and above all of it, you're very important to me, love," he said, patting his head softly, "And ask yourself for a second, if you're ready. If you are, perfect. If you're not, no problem. Just because I'm okay with it, doesn't mean you have to, okay?"

The elder did nothing but hum at that, because no matter how much he wanted to be there for Jeongguk during this important thing, deep down his mind, he knew he wasn't really fully ready.

And sometimes, he was thankful that Jeongguk could read him like an open book, because most of the times, Taehyung didn't have to explain his feelings to his boyfriend, which he was really bad at. 

It just seemed like, Jeongguk understood him perfectly.

"What are you thinking, Tae?" His voice brought the elder out of his track of thoughts as he turned to his right side, only to see Jeongguk looking at him questioningly, with a concerned face.

"You zoned out," he whispered, before ruffling his hair softly.

"I was just thankful for having a wonderful boyfriend," Taehyung beamed at him, "And a hot one at that."

"I could say the same about you then," Jeongguk answered cockily, before turning the car on, "Hot and sexy."

A low laugh escaped Taehyung's mouth at that sentence, as the younger one started the vehicle. 

A sound that soothed Jeongguk.

None of the words were shared between them after that, a comfortable silence surrounding them smoothly. Jeongguk had a small smile in his face, though his heart was beating a bit faster, and his mind was travelling even more --- thinking about his parents' reaction. 

He just hoped that nothing would go wrong, or he'd be harshly rejected, because no matter how mentally strong he was, no matter how much he was ready sacrifice anything for his relationship, he still needed parents' love and support for he who was.

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