Chapter 17 : Confession

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December 30, 2017.


The clock hit 12:00.

Taehyung was officially 22 years old.

"Tae!" Jimin shouted, before pushing him on the couch, hugging him to death, "It's your birthday, you've aged a year!"

Taehyung who anticipated he'd wish, turned to look at him with an unamused look.

"I'm kidding, happy birthday," he said, smiling.

"Thank you---"

"Taehyungie!" Hoseok called loudly, "Happy birthday~" he said, singing it, making Taehyung giggle lowly. 

To say that he was showered with love would be an understatement. The members were more excited than him, goofing around, having midnight snack, wishing him literally once in every minute. Jin and Yoongi did a lot of special food, Jimin and Hoseok not letting Taehyung breath by hugging them, Namjoon kept of insisting on how proud he was, Jeongguk looked at his surroundings with a smile.

The members had planned a surprised birthday party the next day—after one of their shows. Taehyung doesn't know of course.

Jeongguk had another planned for the elder—not anything expensive or something, just... a little gift that he himself made yesterday night—after everyone went to sleep. He was nervous as to whether Taehyung would like it or not, not wanting to disappoint him.

Taehyung was happy—he loved being adored, he loved being... loved.

But a part of him was weirdly impatient for Jeongguk to directly wish him. In the middle of hyungs' wishing and chatting, the maknae didn't have a chance to wish him separately. 

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk for a swift second, who was fiddling his fingers nervously—before thinking of the confession he was about to make, his heart fluttering at the thought of that. 

He wanted to drag Jeongguk out of there and tell him everything—talk to him, but no. He loved his hyungs too much, and they were just as much as important as Jeongguk. With a small smile on his face, feeling blessed to be around such around wonderful people, he looked away from Jeongguk, continuing his chat with the others.




It was 2 in the morning.

Everyone went to sleep.

Jeongguk was waiting for Taehyung, who was in a long call with his parents. 

By the time he completed, he found Jeongguk stretching his arms sitting on the couch. The moment he saw the elder come out of his room, his eyes got bigger, as he stood up immediately.

"What did mom and dad say?" He asked, widening his arms, motioning Taehyung to come to him. The elder happily obliged, as they both wrapped each other in a warm hug—Jeongguk happy that he got to spend time with him alone, Taehyung nervous on what reaction he'd receive from the younger.

"What else? Just normal talks... They also asked how all the others are doing," he said, sighing, "Also, I'm going to my house tomorrow night. I think I can get half a day off and go see my parents."

Jeongguk nodded.

"Do that hyung," he agreed, "And spend the night there."


And facetime you if you accept my confession or... not, if you reject it.

Taehyung thought, but didn't say that out loud.

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