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September 1, 2019. 

Sun rays entered their room through the window, causing Taehyung to shrink his eyelids. After long minutes of making out, and having dinner, though the food almost lost its heat since it was untouched for so long, Taehyung and Jeongguk decided to come to Taehyung's home, and spend the night. And it wasn't really a surprise that Taehyung made love to Jeongguk all night, making both of them feel good. Feeling good would be an understatement.

Taehyung stifled a yawn as he felt a sudden weight on his left side, as he turned the other side, only to see a pillow pressed against his chest, with Jeongguk's head leaning on the soft pillow surface. He smiled softly at the younger one's delicate sleeping features, as he slowly took the pillow away from his hold, seeing Jeongguk frown slightly.

The elder one didn't hesitate to pull Jeongguk in his arms the next second, causing the younger one to open his eyes slightly, looking up at Taehyung. They were laying naked under a single blanket, as Taehyung had his arms around Jeongguk's hand, playing with the soft locks of his. The maknae smiled sleepily, liking the feeling of being in Taehyung's arms, and overall how delicate he was being with him.

"Good morning," he greeted groggily, before sitting up ever-so-slightly and leaning against the bed, pulling Taehyung in the next moment.

But before Taehyung could say anything back, Jeongguk winced in pain.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung immediately became alarmed, as he sat up.

"I mean- My ass is hurting for obvious reasons," Jeongguk chuckled, as the latter made a face of realization, making the younger one laugh even more. 

"Should I go get some painkillers or something?" Taehyung asked unsurely, as his hands automatically massaged his bottom softly, making the younger one smile, "Does the hurting reduce a bit?"

"Yes, it does," he replied, before pecking Taehyung's nose in a swift motion, "And no need for painkillers and all, the pain will go away as time goes."

"If you say so," Taehyung smiled, before kissing his lips once again, and pulling away, "And I requested a holiday from work today. But, they wanted to have an important meeting where all the members should be present-"

"It's about the world tour, right?"

"Yeah, so I wasn't able to ask for a full holiday," he sighed, pouting a bit, "But after the meeting and the daily practice, I think we can go somewhere. How about that?"

"Anything is fine," Jeongguk smiled, "But you didn't really have to ask for a leave, you know?"

"Did you forget what today is?" Taehyung asked, moving even closer to Jeongguk, their faces inches next to each other, "Happy birthday, boyfriend."

Jeongguk laughed heartily at that address, but instead of thanking him by words, he cupped his cheeks, before kissing his bottom lip softly. Taehyung giggled through the kiss, Jeongguk doing the same right after, both of them pecking their lips right after. They were laughing through the kiss, and it was a sight that was more than just adorable.

"You already gave me an unforgettable gift though," Jeongguk said, "It's just- I never imagined you'd confess to me once again. When Jimin hyung gave me the rose, I thought he liked me," he said, both of them laughing right after.

"My last appointment ended a few days ago, and I was told that I overcame it successfully. And I feel a lot better now, actually. After that, I didn't want to be on a break from a relationship anymore. Besides, I knew it affected you, so... I wanted to make it special and fancy," he whispered slowly into his ear, while having his head leaned over Jeongguk's shoulders, "And extra dramatic."

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